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LTC6754 Datasheet(PDF) 18 Page - Analog Devices |
LTC6754 Datasheet(HTML) 18 Page - Analog Devices |
18 / 34 page LTC6563 18 Rev. 0 For more information www.analog.com BLOCK DIAGRAM R R OMUX OUT OUT TERM TERM PWRMD OUTPUT STAGE TILT ADJ0 ADJ1 BIAS CTRL 50 50 LTC6563 BD IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 TIA TIA TIA TIA 4:1 MUX OFFSET CHSEL0 CHSEL1 12 11 10 9 CM CM ×2 ×1 OUTPUT CLAMPS LO HI CM CONROL LOOP + – + – 8 22 23 15 13 7 6 17 16 19 21 24 2 4 OPERATION The LTC6563 is a four channel transimpedance ampli- fier with an integrated 4-to-1 multiplexer and ADC driver stage. Each of the transimpedance amplifiers converts an input current to an output voltage. The integrated 4:1 multiplexer simplifies the system design while sav- ing space and power. In addition, output multiplexing is possible by using the OMUX pin. This allows multiple 4-channel LTC6563 devices to be combined. 8, 12, 16 … 32 input channels are easily multiplexed into a single differential output. The LTC6563 is optimized to drive high speed differential input analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). OUT and OUT have single-ended swings from as low as about 180mV to about VCCO – 1V. The LTC6563 provides four modes of output drive for matching input swing of high-speed ADCs. The tilt feature allows the output stage to offset to take advantage of the full differential input range of the ADCs. The outputs have programmable clamps that limit the output swing in saturation events. These clamps provide protection to the front end of the ADC. The HI pin sets the maximum swing, while a symmetric minimum swing limit is set up internally. In typical LIDAR applications, the LTC6563 amplifies the output current of an APD. APD are biased near breakdown to achieve high current gain. Under intense optical illumi- nation, they can conduct large currents, often in excess of 1A. The LTC6563 survives and quickly recovers from large overload currents of this magnitude. During recover, any TIA is blinded from subsequent pulses. The LTC6563 recovers from 1mA saturation events in less than 2.5ns without phase reversal, minimizing this form of data loss. Ambient light is problematic for LIDAR receiver chains. The DC current can easily saturate the linear range of any TIA. The LTC6563 provides a control for DC cancelation to the inputs and can cancel up to 200μA of DC current. The DC cancelation is designed to minimizing additive noise. |
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