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LTC6754 Datasheet(PDF) 30 Page - Analog Devices |
LTC6754 Datasheet(HTML) 30 Page - Analog Devices |
30 / 34 page LTC6563 30 Rev. 0 For more information www.analog.com APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Avoiding Zero-Input Signal Clipping when Using TILT along with Clamp Clamp operation is meant to mainly safeguard against transient overload conditions. Under normal operation, ensure that the clamps are not engaged with nominal signal levels and/or zero input current signal! To do this, set the HI input above the expected output voltage, or alternatively, tie HI input to VCCI to disable clamp opera- tion. When the TILT input is used to maximize the output swing, the voltage applied to the TILT input should be just enough to provide the required differential full-scale voltage without running the output(s) to the clamp region. Referring to Figure 15 for this particular operating point example: • ADJ =11, RL = 50Ω to ground on each output pin, VCM pin tied to 1.5V to match actual output CM voltage since CM servo loop is not used here If clamps are used, set TILT to 1.3V, which is just above the Tilt voltage needed to ensure the maximum output swing can be achieved without running into the clamp(s). In this example, the HI pin should be tied to approximately 2V or higher. If clamps are disabled (HI pin tied to VCCI), TILT input can simply be tied to VCCI since running into the clamps is not an issue. Limitations of Output Clamp Architecture The out clamps will only prevent overload scenarios that originate from the LTC6563’s signal chain itself. Overloads caused by external stimuli at the LTC6563’s may not be clamped, e.g. injecting current into the LTC6563’s output(s). Figure 15. Tilt Input Transfer Function Example (ADJ11) with no TIA Input Current Output Tilt Control RL = 50Ω TO GROUND ON EACH OUTPUT || 100Ω DIFF TERM AND TERMBAR DISCONNECTED ADJ = 11 OUT VOLTAGE OUTBAR VOLTAGE OUT CURRENT OUTBAR CURRENT TILT PIN VOLTAGE (V) 0 0.7 1.3 2.0 2.6 3.3 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 10 20 30 40 50 6563 F15 |
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