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MAX4617 Datasheet(PDF) 9 Page - Maxim Integrated Products

Part # MAX4617
Description  High-Speed, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog Multiplexers/Switches
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Manufacturer  MAXIM [Maxim Integrated Products]
Direct Link  https://www.maximintegrated.com/en.html
Logo MAXIM - Maxim Integrated Products

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The logic-level thresholds are TTL/CMOS compatible
when VCC is +5V. As VCC rises, the threshold increases;
as VCC falls, the threshold decreases. For example, when
VCC = +3V the guaranteed minimum logic-high threshold
decreases to 2.0V.
Power Supply
These devices operate from a single supply between
+2.5V and +5.5V. All of the bipolar precautions must be
observed. At room temperature, they actually “work” with
a single supply near or below +2V, although as supply volt-
age decreases, switch on-resistance becomes very high.
Overvoltage Protection
Proper power-supply sequencing is recommended for
all CMOS devices. Do not exceed the absolute maxi-
mum ratings because stresses beyond the listed ratings
can cause permanent damage to the devices. Always
sequence VCC on first, followed by the logic inputs and
analog signals. If power-supply sequencing is not pos-
sible, add two small signal diodes (D1, D2) in series with
the supply pins for overvoltage protection (Figure 1).
Adding diodes reduces the analog-signal range to one
diode drop below VCC and one diode drop above GND,
but does not affect the devices’ low switch resistance
and low leakage characteristics. Device operation is
unchanged, and the difference between VCC and GND
should not exceed 6V. These protection diodes are not
recommended if signal levels must extend to ground.
High-Frequency Performance
In 50Ω systems, signal response is reasonably flat up to
50MHz (see Typical Operating Characteristics). Above
20MHz, the on-response has several minor peaks that
are highly layout dependent. The problem is not turning
the switch on, but turning it off. The off-state switch acts
like a capacitor and passes higher frequencies with less
attenuation. At 10MHz, off-isolation is about -50dB in
50Ω systems, becoming worse (approximately 20dB per
decade) as frequency increases.
Higher circuit impedances also degrade off-isolation.
Adjacent channel attenuation is about 3dB above that of
a bare IC socket and is entirely due to capacitive coupling.
Pin Nomenclature
the industry-standard 74HC4051/74HC4052/74HC4053
and the MAX4581/MAX4582/MAX4583. In single-supply
applications, they function identically and have identical
logic diagrams, although these parts differ electrically.
The pin designations and logic diagrams in this data
sheet conform to the original 1972 specifications pub-
lished by RCA for the CD4051/CD4052/CD4053. These
designations differ from the standard Maxim switch and
mux designations found on other Maxim data sheets
(including the MAX4051/MAX4052/MAX4053) and may
cause confusion. Designers who feel more comfortable
with Maxim’s standard designations are advised that the
pin designations and logic diagrams on the MAX4051/
MAX4052/MAX4053 data sheet may be freely applied to
the MAX4617/MAX4618/MAX4619.
Figure 1. Overvoltage Protection Using External Blocking
X, Y, Z
X_, Y_, Z_
Analog Devices │ 9
High-Speed, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog

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