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MAX4397 Datasheet(PDF) 13 Page - Maxim Integrated Products

Part # MAX4397
Description  Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors
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Manufacturer  MAXIM [Maxim Integrated Products]
Direct Link  https://www.maximintegrated.com/en.html
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Video Outputs
The DC level at the video outputs is controlled so that
coupling capacitors are not required, and all of the video
outputs are capable of driving a DC-coupled, 150Ω,
back-terminated coax load with respect to ground.
In a typical television input circuit (see Figure 3) the
video output driver on the SCART chip only needs to
source current. Users should note that, while the
SCART specification states 75Ω impedance, in prac-
tice, typical SCART chip implementations assume 75Ω
input resistance to ground (and source current from the
video output stage).
Since some televisions and VCRs use the horizontal
sync height for automatic gain control, the MAX4397
accurately reproduces the sync height to within ±2%.
Slow Switching
The MAX4397 supports the IEC 933-1, Amendment 1,
tri-level slow switching that selects the aspect ratio for
the display (TV). Under I2C-compatible control, the
MAX4397 sets the slow-switching output voltage level.
Table 1 shows the valid input levels of the slow-switch-
ing signal and the corresponding operating modes of
the display device.
Two bidirectional ports are available for slow-switching
signals for the TV and VCR. The slow-switching input
status is continuously read and stored in the register
0Eh. The slow-switching outputs can be set to a logic
level or high impedance by writing to registers 07h and
09h. See Tables 8 and 10 for details.
Fast Switching
The VCR or MPEG decoder outputs a fast-switching
signal to the display device or TV to insert on-screen
display (OSD). The fast-switching signal can also be
set to a constant high or low output signal through the
I2C interface. The fast-switching output can be set
through writing to register 07h.
Y/C Mixer
The MAX4397 includes an on-chip mixer to produce
Composite video (CVBS) when S-video (Y and C) is
RF_CVBS_OUT output pin. The circuit sums Y and C
signals to obtain the CVBS component. A +6dB output
buffer drives RF_CVBS_OUT.
Video Reconstruction Filter
The encoder DAC outputs need to be lowpass-filtered
to reject the out-of-band noise. The MAX4397 inte-
grates the reconstruction filter. The filter is fourth order,
which is composed of two Sallen-Key biquad in cas-
cade, implementing a Butterworth-type transfer func-
tion. The internal reconstruction filters feature a 6MHz
cutoff frequency, and -35dB minimum attenuation at
27MHz. Note that the SET pin is used to set the accura-
cy of the filter cutoff frequency. Connect a 100kΩ resis-
tor from SET to ground.
SCART Audio Switching
Audio Inputs
All audio inputs for the MAX4397S are single-ended
and are AC-coupled. The MAX4397D audio inputs are
singled-ended and AC-coupled except for the audio
encoder input, which is differential DC-coupled.
The audio block has three stereo audio inputs from the
TV, the VCR, and the MPEG decoder SCART. Each
input has a 100kΩ resistor connected to an internally
generated voltage equal to 0.23 x V12, except for the
encoder input of the MAX4397D, where the DC bias is
fixed externally.
Audio/Video Switch for Dual SCART Connectors
Table 1. Slow-Switching Modes
0 to 2
Display device uses an internal source
such as a built-in tuner to provide a
video signal
4.5 to 7.0
Display device uses a video signal from
the SCART connector and sets the
display to 16:9 aspect ratio
9.5 to 12.6
Display device uses a signal from the
SCART connector and sets the display
to 4:3 aspect ratio
Figure 3. Typical TV Input Circuit

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