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EP1C12F100I7 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Altera Corporation |
EP1C12F100I7 Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - Altera Corporation |
10 / 94 page 10 Altera Corporation Cyclone FPGA Family Data Sheet Preliminary Information Each LE’s programmable register can be configured for D, T, JK, or SR operation. Each register has data, true asynchronous load data, clock, clock enable, clear, and asynchronous load/preset inputs. Global signals, general-purpose I/O pins, or any internal logic can drive the register’s clock and clear control signals. Either general-purpose I/O pins or internal logic can drive the clock enable, preset, asynchronous load, and asynchronous data. The asynchronous load data input comes from the data3 input of the LE. For combinatorial functions, the LUT output bypasses the register and drives directly to the LE outputs. Each LE has three outputs that drive the local, row, and column routing resources. The LUT or register output can drive these three outputs independently. Two LE outputs drive column or row and direct link routing connections and one drives local interconnect resources. This allows the LUT to drive one output while the register drives another output. This feature, called register packing, improves device utilization because the device can use the register and the LUT for unrelated functions. Another special packing mode allows the register output to feed back into the LUT of the same LE so that the register is packed with its own fan-out LUT. This provides another mechanism for improved fitting. The LE can also drive out registered and unregistered versions of the LUT output. LUT Chain & Register Chain In addition to the three general routing outputs, the LEs within an LAB have LUT chain and register chain outputs. LUT chain connections allow LUTs within the same LAB to cascade together for wide input functions. Register chain outputs allow registers within the same LAB to cascade together. The register chain output allows an LAB to use LUTs for a single combinatorial function and the registers to be used for an unrelated shift register implementation. These resources speed up connections between LABs while saving local interconnect resources. See “MultiTrack Interconnect” on page 17 for more information on LUT chain and register chain connections. |
Similar Part No. - EP1C12F100I7 |
Similar Description - EP1C12F100I7 |
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