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FAN7930C Datasheet(PDF) 13 Page - ON Semiconductor |
FAN7930C Datasheet(HTML) 13 Page - ON Semiconductor |
13 / 22 page www.onsemi.com 13 ISW VAUX & VZCD VACIN IMOSFET IDIODE VAUX VZCD t 6.2V 0.65V Figure 28. Auxiliary Voltage Depends on MOSFET Sw itching The aux iliary w inding voltage is used to check the boost inductor current zero instance. When boost inductor current becomes zero, there is a resonance betw een boost inductor and all capacitors at the MOSFET drain pin: inc luding COSS of the MOSFET; an external capacitor at the D-S pin to reduce the voltage rising and falling slope of the MOSFET; a parasitic capacitor at inductor; and so on to improve performance. Resonated voltage is reflected to the auxiliary w inding and can be used for detecting zero current of boost inductor and valley position of MOSFET voltage stress. For valley detection, a minor delay by the resistor and capacitor is needed. A capacitor increases the noise immunity at the ZCD pin. If Z CD voltage is higher than 1.5 V, an internal ZCD comparator output becomes HIGH and LOW w hen the ZCD goes below 1.4 V. At the falling edge of comparator output, internal logic turns on the MOSFET VIN VOUT PFC - V IN 1.5V 150ns Delay 1.4V ON ON VOUT PFC - V IN IMOSFET IDIODE VZCD t IINDUCTOR VDS MOSFET gate Figure 29. Auxiliary Voltage Threshold When no Z CD signal is available, the PFC controller cannot turn on the MOSFET, so the controller chec ks every sw itching off time and forces MOSFET turn on w hen the off time is longer than 150 μs. This restart timer triggers MOSFET turn-on at startup and may be used at the input voltage zero-cross period. VOUT VIN VCC tRESTART MOSFET gate ZCD after COMPARATOR t s 150 Figure 30. Restart Tim er at Startup Because the MOSFET turn-on depends on the Z CD input, sw itching frequency may increase to higher than several megahertz due to the mis-triggering or noise on the nearby ZCD pin. If the sw itching frequency is higher than needed for critical conduction mode ( CRM), operation mode shifts to continuous conduction mode (CCM). In CCM, unlike CRM w here the boost inductor current is reset to zero at the next sw itch on; inductor current builds up at every sw itching cycle and can be raised to very high current that exceeds the current rating of the pow er sw itch or diode. This can seriously damage the pow er sw itch. To avoid this, maximum sw itching frequency limitation is embedded. If ZCD signal is applied again w ithin 3.3 μs after the previous rising edge of gate signal, this signal is ignored internally and FA N7930C w aits for another ZCD signal. This slightly degrades the pow er factor performance at light load and high input voltage. ZCD after COMPARATOR MOSFET Gate Max. fSW Limit Inhibit Region Error occurs! Ignores ZCD noise t Figure 31. Maxim um Sw itching Frequency Lim it Operation 6. Control: The scaled output is compared w ith the internal reference voltage and sinking or sourcing current is generated from the COMP pin by the transconductance amplifier. The error amplifier output is compared w ith the internal saw tooth w aveform to give proper turn-on time based on the controller. |
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