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FAN7930B Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - ON Semiconductor |
FAN7930B Datasheet(HTML) 12 Page - ON Semiconductor |
12 / 22 page ![]() www.onsemi.com 12 Since the tw o OVP conditions are quite different, protection recovering mode is different. Once the first OV P triggers, sw itching stops immediately and recovers sw itching w hen the output voltage is decreased w ith a hysteresis. When the second OV P triggers, sw itching can be recovered only w hen the VCC supply voltage falls below VSTOP and builds up higher than VSTART again and VOVP should be low er than hysteresis. If the second OV P is not used, the OV P pin must be connected to the INV pin or to the ground. VCC VINV VOVP IMOSFET t INV OVP Level hysteresis Switching stop only during OVP Error on INV Resistors Happens OVP Level VSTOP VSTART Switching stop until VCC drops below VSTOP and recovers to VSTART If error still exist, OVP triggers again OVP Level Though Output- Voltage Reduced, no Switching. Figure 25. Com parison of First and Second OVP Recovery Modes 4. Control Range Com pensation: On time is controlled by the output voltage compensator w ith FA N7930B. Due to this w hen input voltage is high and load is light, control range becomes narrow compared to w hen input voltage is low . That control range decrease is inversely proportional to the double square of the input voltage ( ). Thus at high line, unw anted burst operation easily happens at light load and audible noise may be generated from the boost inductor or inductor at input filter. Different from the other converters, burst operation in PFC block is not needed because the PFC block itself is nor mally disabled dur ing standby mode. To reduce unw anted burst operation at light load, an internal control range compensation function is implemented and show s no burst operation until 5% load at high line. 5. Zero-Current Detection: Zero-current detection (ZCD) generates the turn-on signal of the MOSFET w hen the boost inductor current reaches zero using an auxiliary w inding coupled w ith the inductor. When the pow er sw itch turns on, negative voltage is induced at the auxiliary w inding due to the opposite w inding direction (see Equation 1). Positive voltage is induced (see Equation 2) w hen the pow er sw itch turns off : AC IND AUX AUX V T T V (1) AC PFCOUT IND AUX AUX V V T T V (2) w here VAUX is the auxiliary winding voltage; TIND and TAUX are boost inductor turns and auxiliary w inding turns, respectively; VAC is input voltage for PFC converter; and VOUT_PFC is output voltage from the PFC converter. PFC Inductor Aux. Winding VIN PFC VOUT PFC ZCD VTH(ZCD) + - VCC THD Optimized Sawtooth Generator Restart Timer Gate Driver RZCD CZCD Negative Clamp Circuit Positive Clamp Circuit 5 S Q R Q fMAX Limit Optional Figure 26. Circuit Near ZCD Because auxiliary w inding voltage can sw ing from negative to positive voltage, the internal block in Z CD pin has both positive and negative voltage clamping circuits. When the auxiliary voltage is negative, an internal c ircuit c lamps the negative voltage at the Z CD pin around 0.65 V by sourcing current to the serial resistor betw een the ZCD pin and the auxiliary w inding. When the auxiliary voltage is higher than 6.5 V, current is sinked through a res istor from the auxiliary w inding to the ZCD pin. ISW VAUX & VZCD VACIN IMOSFET IDIODE VAUX VZCD t 6.2V 0.65V Figure 27. Auxiliary Voltage Depends on MOSFET Sw itching The aux iliary w inding voltage is used to check the boost inductor current zero instance. When boost inductor current becomes zero, there is a resonance betw een boost inductor and all capacitors at the MOSFET drain pin, inc luding COSS of the MOSFET; an external capacitor at the D-S pin to reduce the voltage rising and falling slope of the MOSFET; a parasitic capacitor at inductor; and so on to improve performance. Resonated voltage is reflected to the auxiliary w inding and can be used for detecting zero current of boost inductor and valley position of MOSFET voltage stress. For valley detection, a minor delay by the resistor and capacitor is needed. A capacitor increases the noise immunity at the ZCD pin. If Z CD voltage is higher than 1.5 V, an internal ZCD comparator output becomes HIGH and LOW w hen the ZCD goes below 1.4 V. At the falling edge of comparator output, internal logic turns on the MOSFET. |
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