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FAN4868 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - ON Semiconductor |
FAN4868 Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - ON Semiconductor |
10 / 12 page FAN4868 www.onsemi.com 10 Table 10. MAXIMUM CEFF FOR FIRST−PASS STARTUP Operating Conditions CEFF(MAX) (mF) VIN (V) RLOAD(MIN) (W) 3.3 VOUT > 2.3 16 10 > 2.7 16 15 > 2.7 20 22 CEFF values shown in Table 10 typically apply to the lowest VIN. The presence of higher VIN enhances ability to start into larger CEFF at full load. Transient Protection To protect against external voltage transients caused by ESD discharge events, or improper external connections, some applications employ an external transient voltage suppressor (TVS) and Schottky diode (D1 in Figure 19). Figure 19. FAN4868 with External Transient Protection CIN EN SW L1 GND VIN FB VOUT D1 Connector C2 C1 B2 B1 A2 A1 VIN COUT2 1 μH 4.7 μF COUT 2.2 μF The TVS is designed to clamp the FB line (system VOUT) to +10 V or –2 V during external transient events. The Schottky diode protects the output devices from the positive excursion. The FB pin can tolerate up to 14 V of positive excursion, while both the FB and VOUT pins can tolerate negative voltages. The FAN4868 includes a circuit to detect a missing or defective D1 by comparing VOUT to FB. If VOUT – FB > about 0.7 V, the IC shuts down. The IC remains shut down until VOUT < UVLO and VIN < UVLO + 0.7 or EN is toggled. COUT2 may be necessary to preserve load transient response when the Schottky is used. When a load is applied at the FB pin, the forward voltage of the D1 rapidly increases before the regulator can respond or the inductor current can change. This causes an immediate drop of up to 300 mV, depending on D1’s characteristics if COUT2 is absent. COUT2 supplies instantaneous current to the load while the regulator adjusts the inductor current. A value of at least half of the minimum value of COUT should be used for COUT2. COUT2 needs to withstand the maximum voltage at the FB pin as the TVS is clamping. The maximum DC output current available is reduced with this circuit, due to the additional dissipation of D1. LAYOUT GUIDELINE Figure 20. WLCSP Suggested Layout (Top View) |
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