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FAN4868 Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - ON Semiconductor |
FAN4868 Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - ON Semiconductor |
7 / 12 page FAN4868 www.onsemi.com 7 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Circuit Description The FAN4868 is a synchronous boost regulator, typically operating at 3 MHz in Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM), which occurs at moderate to heavy load current and low VIN voltages. At light−load currents, the converter switches automatically to power−saving PFM Mode. The regulator automatically and smoothly transitions between quasi−fixed−frequency continuous conduction PWM Mode and variable−frequency PFM Mode to maintain the highest possible efficiency over the full range of load current and input voltage. PWM Mode Regulation The FAN4868 uses a minimum on−time and computed minimum off−time to regulate VOUT. The regulator achieves excellent transient response by employing current mode modulation. This technique causes the regulator output to exhibit a load line. During PWM Mode, the output voltage drops slightly as the input current rises. With a constant VIN, this appears as a constant output resistance. The “droop” caused by the output resistance when a load is applied allows the regulator to respond smoothly to load transients with negligible overshoot. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 Input Voltage (V) 5.0 Figure 14. Output Resistance (ROUT) 3.3 5.0 VOUT VOUT When the regulator is in PWM CCM Mode and the target VOUT = 5.05 V, VOUT is a function of ILOAD and can be computed as: VOUT + 5.05 * ROUT ILOAD (eq. 1) For example, at VIN = 3.3 V, and ILOAD = 200 mA, VOUT drops to: VOUT + 5.05 * 0.38 0.2 + 4.974 V (eq. 1A) At VIN = 2.3 V, and ILOAD = 200 mA, VOUT drops to: VOUT + 5.05 * 0.68 0.2 + 4.914 V (eq. 1B) PFM Mode If VOUT > VREF when the minimum off−time has ended, the regulator enters PFM Mode. Boost pulses are inhibited until VOUT < VREF. The minimum on−time is increased to enable the output to pump up sufficiently with each PFM boost pulse. Therefore, the regulator behaves like a constant on−time regulator, with the bottom of its output voltage ripple at 5.05 V in PFM Mode. Table 7. OPERATING STATES Mode Description Invoked When: LIN Linear Startup VIN > VOUT SS Boost Soft−Start VOUT < VREG BST Boost Operating Mode VOUT = VREG Shutdown and Startup If EN is LOW, all bias circuits are off and the regulator is in Shutdown Mode. During shutdown, true load disconnect between battery and load prevents current flow from VIN to VOUT, as well as reverse flow from VOUT to VIN. LIN State When EN rises, if VIN > UVLO, the regulator first attempts to bring VOUT within about 1V of VIN by using the internal fixed current source from VIN (ILIN1). The current is limited to about 630 mA during LIN1 Mode. If VOUT reaches VIN−1V during LIN1 Mode, the SS state is initiated. Otherwise, LIN1 times out after 16 clock counts and the LIN2 Mode is entered. In LIN2 Mode, the current source is incremented to 850 mA. If VOUT fails to reach VIN−1 V after 64 clock counts, a fault condition is declared. SS State Upon the successful completion of the LIN state (VOUT > VIN − 1 V), the regulator begins switching with boost pulses current limited to about 50% of nominal level, incrementing to full scale over a period of 32 clock counts. If the output fails to achieve 90% of its set point within 96 clock counts at full−scale current limit, a fault condition is declared. BST State This is the normal operating mode of the regulator. The regulator uses a minimum tOFF−minimum tON modulation scheme. Minimum tOFF is proportional to VIN / VOUT, which keeps the regulator’s switching frequency reasonably constant in CCM. tON(MIN) is proportional to VIN and is higher if the inductor current reaches 0 before tOFF(MIN) during the prior cycle. |
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