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GS41-102M Datasheet(PDF) 5 Page - HuaXinAn Electronics CO.,LTD |
GS41-102M Datasheet(HTML) 5 Page - HuaXinAn Electronics CO.,LTD |
5 / 6 page 9 Mechanical Characteristics机构特性 : 试验项目 Test Item 试验方法 Test Method 结果 Result 拉力强度 (依据 JIS C0051) Pull Strength (JIS C0051) 施加 2.5Kgf 之荷重于导线约 30 秒钟后,检测直流开始放电电压, 绝缘阻抗 ,靜电容量及检查外观. (Apply 2.5 kgs load approximately 30 seconds, then check for pull-out and breaking of the lead wire.) 满足各个特性之规格值 Within standard mentioned in Initial Characteristics. 弯曲強度 (依据 JIS C0051) Flexure Strength(JIS C0051) 距离导线熔接点根部 3mm 处,使用曲率半径 0.75~0.80mm 之治 具 ,与轴方向垂直角度,荷 0.25Kgf 弯曲后回复原状,反复 2 次后, 检测直流开始放电电压 ,绝缘阻抗,靜电容量及检查外观.(Bend the lead wire, with jig which radius is 0.75~0.8mm, at the point of 3mm from the body, under 0.25 kgs load applied at the right angle the direction of the amis and get the bent lead wire back to its original poing after the procedure was repeated 2 times.) 满足各个特性之规格值 Within standard mentioned in Initial Characteristics. 10 Solder Characteristics 焊锡特性 : 试验项目 Test Item 试验方法 Test Method 结果 Result 焊锡附着性 (依据 JIS C0050 4.6 项) Solderability (JIS C0050,4.6) 将沾过助焊剂之导线,自距离导线熔接点根部 3mm 处起,浸于 265±5℃之焊锡液中 5 秒钟后,将导线之助焊剂洗净后,检查焊锡附 着情形 .(Apply flux and immerse in molten solder, up to the point of 3mm from the body,for 5 sec. (265℃±5℃). Wash the leadwire and check for soldering adhesion.) 導線須均勻附著 90%上. (Lead wire is evenly covered by solder over 90%.) 焊锡耐热性 (依据 JISC0051) Solder Heat (JIS C0051) 将沾过助焊剂之导线,自距离导线熔接点根部 2mm 处起,浸于 265±5℃之焊锡液中 10 秒钟后,检测直流开始放电电压,绝缘阻抗,靜电 容量及检查外观 . (Lead wire is dipped up to the point of 2mm from the body, into 265℃±5℃ solder.for 10±1 sec.And measure the properties.) 满足各個特性之规格值 Within standard mentioned in Initial Characteristics. 11 Surge Characteristics 突波特性 : 试验项目 Test Item 试验方法 Test Method 结果 Result 突波寿命 (GS41) Life(GS41) 将 (10X700)μsec-1KV 突波,变换极向各 5 次,(100X1000)μsec-1KV 之突波,变换极向各 6 次 ,每隔 30 秒施加于试料 24 次后,检测直流开始放电电压,绝缘阻抗,靜电容量及检查外观 (Apply a standard impulse voltage (10X700)μsec)of 1KV for 5 times with intervals of 30 sec., and then change the polarity of the surge and apply a impulse again. And similarly, apply a impulse voltage((100X1000)μsec) of 1KV. Total apply 24 times. Then measure DC spark-over voltage, IR & Capacitance.) 直流开始放电电压 GS41 △ Vs/Vs≦30% (DC sparkover volatage GS41: △ Vs/Vs≦30%) 突波寿命 (GS41) Life(GS41) 每间隔 10 秒施加 10KV 之电压于 1500PF 之电容器通过试料,做 200 次(Apply 10 KV voltage charged in 1500pF condenser and apply the current to the specimen,200 times at 10 seconds of intervals.) 绝缘阻抗和静电电容 :须满足规 定值 外观 :无影响使用之显著缺 陷 (Insulation Resistance & Capacitance to meet the specified value.Appearance: No cracks or failures .) 4 Revised:May 29,2015 www.huaandz.com |
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