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UPD784938 Datasheet(PDF) 93 Page - NEC |
UPD784938 Datasheet(HTML) 93 Page - NEC |
93 / 733 page 93 CHAPTER 3 CPU ARCHITECTURE Preliminary User’s Manual U13987EJ1V0UM00 Figure 3-13. General-Purpose Register Addresses RBNK0 FEFFHNote FE80HNote RBNK1 RBNK2 RBNK3 RBNK4 RBNK5 RBNK6 RBNK7 H (R15) (FH) 8-bit processing 16-bit processing D (R13) (DH) R11(BH) R9 (9H) R7 (7H) R5 (5H) B (R3) (3H) A (R1) (1H) 77 0 0 15 0 L (R14) (EH) E (R12) (CH) R10 (AH) R8 (8H) R6 (6H) R4 (4H) C (R2) (2H) X (R0) (0H) HL (RP7) (EH) DE (RP6) (CH) UP (RP5) (AH) VP (RP4) (8H) RP3 (6H) RP2 (4H) BC (RP1) (2H) AX (RP0) (0H) Note When the LOCATION 0 instruction is executed. When the LOCATION 0FH instruction is executed, 0F0000H should be added to the address values shown above. Caution R4, R5, R6, R7, RP2, and RP3 can be used as the X, A, C, B, AX, and BC registers respectively by setting the RSS bit of the PSW to 1, but this function should only be used when using a 78K/III Series program. Remark When the register bank is changed, and it is necessary to return to the original register bank, an SEL RBn instruction should be executed after saving the PSW to the stack with a PUSH PSW instruction. When returning to the original register bank, if the stack location does not change the POP PSW instruction should be used. When the register bank is changed by a vectored interrupt service program, etc., the PSW is automatically saved to the stack when an interrupt is acknowledged and restored by an RETI or RETB instruction, so that, if only one register bank is used in the interrupt service routine, only an SEL RBn instruction needs be executed, and execution of a PUSH PSW and POP PSW instruction is not necessary. Example When register bank 2 is specified PUSH PSW SEL RB2 Operations in register bank 2 POP PSW Operations in original register bank |
Similar Part No. - UPD784938 |
Similar Description - UPD784938 |
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