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ME310G1-W2 Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - Telit loT Solutions

Part # ME310G1-W2
Description  LTE Cat M1/NB2 Embedded
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Manufacturer  TELIT [Telit loT Solutions]
Direct Link  https://www.telit.com/
Logo TELIT - Telit loT Solutions

ME310G1-W2 Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - Telit loT Solutions

  ME310G1-W2 Datasheet HTML 1Page - Telit loT Solutions ME310G1-W2 Datasheet HTML 2Page - Telit loT Solutions  
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Key Benefits
• Deep indoor and wide-area propagation due to 450 MHz
• Small size and low power consumption
• Optimized for ease-of-design and high-yield and low-
cost manufacturing
• Compliant to 3GPP Rel. 14 Cat M1/NB2, tailored for IoT
• Ideal solution for smart metering, smart grid, smart city,
smart agriculture, mPERS, mission-critical services and
public safety
Family Concept
The xE310’s flexible perimeter footprint family includes
pin-to-pin compatible 2G (GE310-GNSS) and Cat M1/NB2
(ME310G1) modules, enabling integrators to design a
single PCB layout and deploy any combination of 2G and 4G
Telit’s miniature xE310 family delivers high technical and
business value for OEMs, integrators and IoT device
designers interested in low-power, low-cost, small-
footprint devices to take digital transformation initiatives
to the next level across their organization.
The 94-pad LGA footprint delivers a comprehensive set of
features with a surplus of reserve pads to futureproof the
end device with additions like Bluetooth connectivity and
GNSS. The flexible perimeter space allows modules in the
family to go in sizes from around 300 mm2 to below 200
mm2. The xE310 allows for both single and multi-
technology products, such as combination cellular, GNSS
and other solutions, in fixed and mobile applications for
smart utilities, home and commercial automation,
telematics, POS, and smart cities.
LTE Cat M1/NB2 Embedded
15 mm
2.6 mm
18 mm
Ready-to-Use Access
to the Internet of Things
Product Description
The ME310G1-W2 is an LTE Category M1/NB2 (Cat M1/
NB2) module supporting 450 MHz bands. It is conceived
for IoT applications requiring secure and robust
connectivity through LTE 450 MHz private networks, such
as smart metering, smart grid, smart city, smart
agriculture, mPERS, mission-critical services and public
Due to the deep indoor propagation of the 450 MHz
frequency, this module is ideal for indoor devices such as
smart meters often in the center of the home. Also, the
extensive coverage range of the 450 MHz band allows
provisioning of wireless services to over large areas with a
minimal number of base stations.
Compliant with 3GPP Release 14 (Rel. 14), the ME310G1
LTE UE Cat M1/NB2 module enables increased power
saving for IoT applications using Power Saving Mode (PSM)
and extended Discontinuous Reception (eDRX). PSM and
eDRX allow devices to wake up periodically while
delivering only the smallest amounts of data necessary
before returning to sleep mode. Enhanced coverage,
enabled by maximum coupling loss (MCL) of up to +15 dB/
+20 dB, provides superior in-building penetration
compared to earlier cellular LTE standards.
LTE Cat M1/NB2 devices are optimized in cost, size and
power consumption compared to higher UE categories.
3GPP Rel. 14 further improves these features by adding
techniques to increase the data rate for LTE-M and NB-
IoT. These advantages make the ME310G1 ideal for
enabling the quick implementation of LTE technology in
which low cost and low power consumption are more
relevant than high speed.
Connecting the world
from the inside out
IoT Modules
Software & Platforms
Connectivity Plans

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