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DX80DR9M-H5 Datasheet(PDF) 6 Page - Banner Engineering Corp.

Part # DX80DR9M-H5
Description  Sure Cross짰 MultiHop H5 Data Radio
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Manufacturer  BANNER [Banner Engineering Corp.]
Direct Link  https://www.bannerengineering.com/us/en.html
Logo BANNER - Banner Engineering Corp.

DX80DR9M-H5 Datasheet(HTML) 6 Page - Banner Engineering Corp.

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Analog Inputs
Boost Enable
Boost Warmup
Boost Voltage
Extended Input
Analog Max
Analog Min
Enable Fullscale
1 sec
Discrete Outputs
Flash Enable
Switch Power
I/O Group
Continuous Voltage
Default Output Voltage
Hold Last Voltage Enable
Switch Power (all)
MultiHop Radio Specifications
Radio Range1
900 MHz, 1 Watt: Up to 9.6 km (6 miles)
2.4 GHz, 65 mW: Up to 3.2 km (2 miles)
Antenna Minimum Separation Distance
900 MHz, 150 mW and 250 mW: 2 m (6 ft)
900 MHz, 1 Watt: 4.57 m (15 ft)
2.4 GHz, 65 mW: 0.3 m (1 ft)
Radio Transmit Power
900 MHz, 1 Watt: 30 dBm (1 W) conducted (up to 36 dBm EIRP)
2.4 GHz, 65 mW: 18 dBm (65 mW) conducted, less than or equal to 20 dBm (100 mW)
Spread Spectrum Technology
FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum)
900 MHz Compliance (1 Watt)
FCC ID UE3RM1809: FCC Part 15, Subpart C, 15.247
IC: 7044A-RM1809
2.4 GHz Compliance (MultiHop)
FCC ID UE300DX80-2400: FCC Part 15, Subpart C, 15.247
Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU
IC: 7044A-DX8024
Antenna Connection
Ext. Reverse Polarity SMA, 50 Ohms
Max Tightening Torque: 0.45 N·m (4 lbf·in)
Radio Packet Size (MultiHop)
900 MHz: 175 bytes (85 Modbus registers)
2.4 GHz: 75 bytes (37 Modbus registers)
RS-485 Communication Specifications
Communication Hardware (MultiHop RS-485)
Interface: 2-wire half-duplex RS-485
Baud rates: 9.6k, 19.2k (default), or 38.4k via DIP switches; 1200 and 2400 via the MultiHop Configuration Software
Data format: 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
H5 Specifications
Supply Voltage
10 V DC to 30 V DC (Outside the USA: 12 V DC to 24 V DC, ±10%) on the brown wire,
or 3.6 V DC to 5.5 V DC low power option on the gray wire
For European applications, power this device from a Limited Power Source as defined
in EN 60950-1.
Power Consumption
Master radio consumption (900 MHz): Maximum current draw is < 100 mA and typical
current draw is < 30 mA at 24 V DC. (2.4 GHz consumption is less.)
Repeater/slave radio consumption (900 MHz): Maximum current draw is < 40 mA and
typical current draw is < 20 mA at 24 V DC. (2.4 GHz consumption is less.)
Two bi-color LED indicators; Two buttons; Six character LCD
Wiring Access
Four PG-7, One 1/2-inch NPT, One 5-pin threaded M12/Euro-style male quick
Polycarbonate housing and rotary dial cover; polyester labels; EDPM rubber cover
gasket; nitrile rubber, non-sulphur cured button covers
Weight: 0.26 kg (0.57 lbs)
Mounting: #10 or M5 (SS M5 hardware included)
Max. Tightening Torque: 0.56 N·m (5 lbf·in)
Discrete Inputs
Rating: 3 mA max current at 30 V DC
Sample Rate: 40 milliseconds
ON Condition (NPN): Less than 0.7 V
OFF Condition (NPN): Greater than 2 V or open
Analog Inputs
Rating: 24 mA
Impedance: Approximately 22 Ohms2
Sample Rate: 1 second
Accuracy: 0.1% of full scale +0.01% per °C
Resolution: 12-bit
Discrete Outputs
ON Condition: Less than 0.7 V
OFF Condition: Open
Discrete Output Rating (MultiHop NMOS)
Less than 1 A max current at 30 V DC
ON-State Saturation: Less than 0.7 V at 20 mA
Radio range is with the 2 dB antenna that ships with the product. High-gain antennas are available, but the range depends on the environment and line of sight. Always verify your wireless network's range by performing
a Site Survey.
To verify the analog input's impedance, use an Ohm meter to measure the resistance between the analog input terminal (AI
x) and the ground (GND) terminal.
Sure Cross® MultiHop H5 Data Radio
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767
P/N 152416 Rev. J

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