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SARA-R410M-02B-01 Datasheet(PDF) 13 Page - u-blox AG

Part # SARA-R410M-02B-01
Description  LTE Cat M1 / NB1 and EGPRS modules
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Manufacturer  U-BLOX [u-blox AG]
Direct Link  https://www.u-blox.com/
Logo U-BLOX - u-blox AG

SARA-R410M-02B-01 Datasheet(HTML) 13 Page - u-blox AG

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SARA-R4 series - Data sheet
UBX-16024152 - R18
Page 13 of 43
2.5.1 UART interface
SARA-R4 series modules include a 9-wire unbalanced asynchronous serial interface (UART) for
communication with an application host processor (AT commands and data communication).
The UART is available only if the USB is not enabled as AT command / data communication
interface: UART and USB cannot be concurrently used for this purpose.
UART features are:
Complete serial port with RS-232 functionality conforming to ITU-T V.24 recommendation [10],
with CMOS compatible signal levels (0 V for low data bit or ON state and 1.8 V for high data bit or
OFF state)
Data lines (RXD as output, TXD as input), hardware flow control lines (CTS as output, RTS as
input), modem status and control lines (DTR as input, DSR as output, DCD as output, RI as output)
are provided
The default baud rate is 115’200 b/s
The default frame format is 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit)
Hardware flow control is not supported by the “00”, “01” and SARA-R410M-02B product versions,
but the RTS input line needs to be set low (= ON state) to communicate over the UART interface
on the “00” and “01” product versions.
The UART serial interface can be conveniently configured through AT commands. For more details,
see the SARA-R4 series AT commands manual [1] and the SARA-R4 series system integration
manual [2]. Multiplexer protocol
SARA-R4 series modules include multiplexer functionality as per 3GPP TS 27.010 [7] on the UART
physical link.
This is a data link protocol which uses HDLC-like framing and operates between the module (DCE) and
the application processor (DTE), allowing a number of simultaneous sessions over the physical link
The following virtual channels are defined:
 Channel 0: for multiplexer control
 Channel 1: for all AT commands, and non-Dial Up Network (non-DUN) data connections. UDP, TCP
data socket / data call connections through relevant AT commands.
 Channel 2: for Dial Up Network (DUN) data connection. It requires the host to have and use its own
TCP/IP stack. The DUN can be initiated on the modem side or terminal/host side.
 Channel 3: for u-blox GNSS data tunneling (not supported by the “00” and “01” product versions).
2.5.2 USB interface
SARA-R4 series modules include a high-speed USB 2.0 compliant interface with a maximum 480 Mb/s
data rate according to the USB 2.0 specification [11] representing the main interface for transferring
high speed data with a host application processor. The module itself acts as a USB device and can be
connected to any USB host equipped with compatible drivers.
The USB is the most suitable interface for transferring high speed data between SARA-R4 series and
a host processor, available for AT commands, data communication, FW upgrade by means of the
FOAT feature, FW upgrade by means of the u-blox dedicated tool and for diagnostic purposes.

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