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SARA-R410M-02B-01 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - u-blox AG

Part # SARA-R410M-02B-01
Description  LTE Cat M1 / NB1 and EGPRS modules
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Manufacturer  U-BLOX [u-blox AG]
Direct Link  https://www.u-blox.com/
Logo U-BLOX - u-blox AG

SARA-R410M-02B-01 Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - u-blox AG

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SARA-R4 series - Data sheet
UBX-16024152 - R18
Functional description
Page 10 of 43
GNSS via modem 14
Full access to u-blox positioning chips and modules is available through DDC (I2C) interface.
This means that from any host processor, a single serial port can control the SARA-R4 series
cellular module and the u-blox positioning chip or module.
Enables the estimation of device position based on the parameters of the mobile network cells
visible to the specific device based on the CellLocate® database. CellLocate® is available via a set
of AT commands for CellLocate® service configuration and position request.
Power Saving Mode (PSM) The Power Saving Mode (PSM) feature, defined in 3GPP Rel.13, allows further reduction of the
module current consumption maximizing the amount of time a device can remain in PSM low
power deep sleep mode during periods of data inactivity. It can be activated and configured by the
+CPSMS AT command.
e-I-DRX 16
Extended Idle mode DRX, based on 3GPP Rel.13, reduces the amount of signaling overhead
decreasing the frequency of scheduled measurements and/or transmissions performed by the
module in idle mode. This in turn leads to a reduction in the module power consumption while
maintaining a perpetual connection with the base station.
Coverage Enhancements
Mode A
Coverage Enhancements (CE) Mode A, introduced in 3GPP Rel.13, is used to improve cell signal
Coverage Enhancements
Mode B 17
Coverage Enhancements (CE) Mode B, introduced in 3GPP Rel.13, is used to further improve cell
signal penetration.
Connected Mode Mobility 18 LTE Cat M1 Connected Mode Mobility (CMM) with CE Mode A
Release Assistance
Indicator 18
The 3GPP Release Assistance feature allows the module to request for the RRC connection to be
dropped as soon as the message has been received by the network. This feature allows a reduction
in the module power consumption.
LWM2M with dynamically
loaded objects 18
Method allowing dynamically loaded run time objects for customers to configure u-blox modules to
define necessary objects, create instances of those objects as appropriate, manage module
LWM2M protocol stack to interact with the LWM2M server.
Table 3: Some of the main features supported by SARA-R4 series modules
u-blox is extremely mindful of user privacy. When a position is sent to the CellLocate® server,
u-blox is unable to track the SIM used or the specific device.
14 Not supported by “00” and “01” product versions
15 Not supported by “00”, “01”, “02” and “52” product versions
16 The feature is disabled on “00” and “01” product versions due to network readiness
17 Not supported by “00”, “01”, “02”, “52”, “63” and “73” product versions
18 Not supported by “00”, “01”, “02” and “52” product versions

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