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SARA-N2 Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - u-blox AG

Part # SARA-N2
Description  Power-optimized NB-IoT (LTE Cat NB1) modules
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Manufacturer  U-BLOX [u-blox AG]
Direct Link  https://www.u-blox.com/
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SARA-N2 series - Data Sheet
UBX-15025564 - R16
Functional description
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1.5 AT command support
The SARA-N2 series modules support AT commands according to the 3GPP standards, plus the
u-blox AT command extensions.
For the complete list of all supported AT commands and their syntax, see the SARA-N2 series AT
Commands Manual [1].
1.6 Supported features
Network Indication
Pin configured to indicate the network status: registered home network, registered roaming,
data call enabled, no service. The feature can be enabled through the +UGPIOC AT command.
Embedded UDP stack
Embedded UDP/IP stack for UDP sockets.to establish a transparent end-to-end communication.
The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is a datagram-based client/server application
protocol for devices on the constrained network (e.g. low overhead, low-power), designed to
easily translate to HTTP for simplified integration with the web. CoAP clients can use the GET,
PUT, POST and DELETE methods using requests and responses with a CoAP server.
Release Assistance
The Release Assistance feature introduced in 3GPP Rel.13 allows the module to request for the
RRC connection to be dropped as soon as the message has been received by the network. This
feature allows a reduction in the module power consumption.
Support of Self-Registration feature according to CTCC (China Telecom Corporation) and CUCC
(China Unicom Corporation) requirements.
Firmware update Over AT
commands (FOAT)
Firmware module update over AT command interface.
The feature can be enabled and configured through the +UFWUPD AT command.
Firmware update Over The
Air (FOTA)
The Firmware over-the-air (FOTA) component uses the CoAP context to download a FW update
package from a dedicated server.
Power Saving Mode (PSM) The Power Saving Mode (PSM) feature, defined in 3GPP Rel.13, allows further reduction of the
module current consumption maximizing the amount of time a device can remain in extremely
low power deep sleep mode during periods of data inactivity. It can be activated and configured
by the +CPSMS AT command.
Deep-sleep mode
The SARA-N2 series modules enters in extremely low power deep sleep mode whenever
possible, using the internal 32 kHz clock to maintaining an extremely low current consumption.
This optimizes the life time of the battery pack used to supply the system
Extended mode DRX, based on 3GPP Rel.13, reduces the amount of signaling overhead
decreasing the frequency of scheduled measurements and/or transmissions performed by the
module. This in turn leads to a reduction in the module power consumption while maintaining a
perpetual connection with the base station
Coverage Enhancement
Coverage Enhancements Modes introduced in 3GPP Rel.13 for the NB-IoT system improve the
cell signal penetration allowing a 20 dB coverage enhancement over standard GSM systems.
Table 3: Some of the main features supported by SARA-N2 series modules

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