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TPS2070 Datasheet(PDF) 25 Page - Texas Instruments |
TPS2070 Datasheet(HTML) 25 Page - Texas Instruments |
25 / 29 page TPS2070, TPS2071 FOUR-PORT USB HUB POWER CONTROLLERS SLVS287A – SEPTEMBER 2000 – REVISED FEBRUARY 2001 25 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 APPLICATION INFORMATION USB hybrid hub A USB hybrid hub can be simply implemented using the TPS2071 USB power controller and a TUSB2046 USB hub controller as shown in Figure 38. The TPS2071 USB power controller provides all the power needs to the four downstream ports and meets all the USB power specifications for both self-powered hubs and bus-powered hubs. The power controllers integrated 3.3-V LDO is used to provide power for the hub controller and any other local functions (e.g. transient suppressor SN75240 ), which saves board space and cost. The TPS2071 also provides the hub controller with a power good (PG) signal that connects to the RESET input of the hub controller to automatically reinitialize the hub when switching between self-powered mode and bus-powered mode whenever the self-power supply is connected or disconnected. The amount of time in which the hub controller is kept in a reset state is controlled by a capacitor connected between the PG_DLY pin of the power controller and ground. By using an external N-channel MOSFET and the TPS2071 internal voltage-regulator controller, a regulated 5-V self-powered source can be generated from an input voltage range of 6 V to 9 V (see Figure 38). In this configuration, the internal voltage regulator controller is enabled by connecting the EN_REG input to the BP input. Using the internal voltage regulator controller also requires connecting a 0.01 µF capacitor between CP_P and CP_M of the TPS2071 power controller. Also, a 0.1- µF capacitor is needed between VCP of the power controller and ground. |
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