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SCC2681T Datasheet(PDF) 9 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
SCC2681T Datasheet(HTML) 9 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
9 / 15 page Philips Semiconductors Product data SCC2681T Dual asynchronous receiver/transmitter (DUART) 2004 Apr 06 9 4. Test conditions for outputs: CL = 150 pF, except interrupt outputs. Test conditions for interrupt outputs: CL = 50 pF, RL = 2.7 kΩ to VCC. 5. For bus operations, CEN and RDN (also CEN and WRN) are ANDed internally. As a consequence, the signal asserted last initiates the cycle and the signal negated first terminates the cycle. 6. If CEN is used as the ‘strobing’ input, the parameter defines the minimum HIGH times between one CEN and the next. The RDN signal must be negated for tEHEL to guarantee that any status register changes are valid. As a consequence, this minimum time must be met for the RDN input even if the CEN is used as the strobing signal for bus operations. 7. Consecutive write operations to the same command register require at least three edges of the X1 clock between writes. 8. Minimum frequencies are not tested but are guaranteed by design. SD00028 RESET tRES Figure 3. Reset Timing A0–A3 CEN (READ) tAVEL RDN D0–D7 (READ) FLOAT FLOAT VALID INVALID CEN (WRITE) VALID D0–D7 (WRITE) tELAX tEHEL tRLRH tRHDF tRHDI tRLDV tRLDA tEHEL tWLWH WRN tDVWH tWHDI SD00100 Figure 4. Bus Timing |
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