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BDL16035 Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - Schneider Electric

Part # BDL16035
Description  Circuit breaker, PowerPact B, 35A, 1 pole, 600Y/347V AC, 14kA at 600Y/347 UL, EverLink lugs both ends
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Manufacturer  SCHNEIDER [Schneider Electric]
Direct Link  https://www.se.com/us/en/
Logo SCHNEIDER - Schneider Electric

BDL16035 Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - Schneider Electric

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Product data sheet
Circuit breaker, PowerPact B, 35A, 1 pole,
600Y/347V AC, 14kA at 600Y/347 UL, EverLink
lugs both ends
Price** : 343.00 USD
Product name
PowerPact B
Device short name
BD 035
Product or component type
Circuit breaker
Device application
Line Rated Current
35 A
Number of Poles
Protected poles description
Control type
Breaking capacity code
Breaking capacity
25 kA 208Y/120 V AC 50/60 Hz UL 489
25 kA 240 V AC 50/60 Hz UL 489
18 kA 480Y/277 V AC 50/60 Hz UL 489
10 kA 125 V DC 50/60 Hz UL 489
14 kA 600/347 V AC 50/60 Hz UL 489
[Ue] rated operational voltage
240 V AC 50/60 Hz UL 489
[Ics] rated service breaking capacity
25 kA 220...240 V AC 50/60 Hz IEC 60947-2
[Uimp] rated impulse withstand voltage
8 kV IEC 60947-2
[Ui] rated insulation voltage
800 V IEC 60947-2
Trip unit technology
Trip unit name
Suitability for isolation
Yes IEC 60947-2
Utilisation category
Category A
Mechanical durability
15000 cycles IEC 947-1 Annex F ed 5.2
Jun 25, 2020

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