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EL2021 Datasheet(PDF) 6 Page - Intersil Corporation

Part # EL2021
Description  Monolithic Pin Driver
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Manufacturer  INTERSIL [Intersil Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.intersil.com/cda/home
Logo INTERSIL - Intersil Corporation

EL2021 Datasheet(HTML) 6 Page - Intersil Corporation

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This circuit allows the external transistors to run from B+ and
B- supplies that are of less voltage than V+ and V- to
conserve power. Reducing B± supplies also reduces
dissipations in the output devices themselves. B+ is typically
made K volts more than VCH and B- made K volts more
negative than VCL. Ideally K is made as small as possible to
minimize output transistor dissipation, but two factors limit
how small K can be. These factors are both related to the
fact that transistors have two collector resistance numbers:
“hard” and “soft” saturation resistance. As a transistor begins
to saturate at high collector currents and small collector-
emitter voltages, minority carriers begin to be generated
from the base-collector junction. These carriers act as more
collector dopant and actually reduce effective series
collector resistance. At conditions of heavy saturation, the
collector is flooded with minority carriers and exhibits
minimum collector resistance. In this way, small geometry
transistors like the 2N2222 and 2N2907 devices have
excellent collector-emitter voltage drops at high currents, but
are actually still in heavy saturation for 1V-2V drops. This
“soft” saturation shows up as reduced beta at high currents
and moderate VCE's as well as very poor AC performance. A
transistor may exhibit an ft of only 2MHz in soft saturation
when, like the 2N2222, it gives 300MHz in non-saturated
mode. The EL2021 requires the output transistors to have an
ft of at least 200MHz to prevent degradation in overshoot,
slew rate into heavy loads, and tolerance of heavy output
capacitance. With a K of 3.2V and 1
Ω collector resistors,
almost all 2N2222 and 2N2907 devices perform well, but we
have obtained devices from some vendors where the beta
does indeed fall prematurely at reduced VCE and high
currents. It is important to characterize the external devices
for the service that the EL2021 will be expected to provide.
The output stage of the EL2021 does not ring appreciably
into a capacitive load in quiescent conditions, but it does ring
while it slews. This is an unusual characteristic, but the
output slews monotonically and the slew “ripple” does not
cause problems in use. The slew ripple does cause a similar
“ripple” in the overshoot-vs-VSR characteristic: the
overshoot may decrease for slightly increasing VSR, then
increase again for larger VSR's again. The overshoot-vs-
VSR graphs presented in this data sheet thus reflect the
range of overshoot rather than one particular device's wavy
The typical 2N2222 and 2N2907 will deliver 750mA into a
short-circuit. This puts four watts of dissipation into the
2N2222 for VCH = 5V. The npn can dissipate this power for a
few tenths of a second as long as a metal-base TO-39
package is used. The small or non-metal-based packages
have short thermal time constants and high thermal
resistances, so they should withstand shorts for only a few
milliseconds. The Sense Out signal should be used to
control OE or reduce VCH and VCL to relieve the output
devices from overcurrent conditions.
Transistors such as the MJE200 and MJE210 have very
much improved collector resistances and high-current beta
compared to the 2N2222 and 2N2907. Their fT's are almost
as good and sustain at higher currents, and high-current
output accuracy will improve. They allow a K of 2V to reduce
dissipations further, but short-circuit currents will be as much
as two amperes! The geometries of these transistors are
larger, and the added transistor capacitances will slow the
maximum Slew Rates that the EL2021 can provide.
If transistors with ft's less than 200MHz are used, the
EL2021 will need to be overcompensated. This is
accomplished by connecting equal capacitors from the Drive
pins to ground. These capacitors will range from 10pF to
50pF. The overcompensation will slow the maximum slew
rate, but it will improve the overshoot and reactive load
driving capability, and can be considered a useful technique.
Figure 2 shows the equivalent output stage schematic when
the circuit is in high-impedance mode (OE = H). The external
transistors have their base-emitter junctions each reverse-
biased by a Schottky diode drop. A buffer amplifier copies
the output voltage to give a bootstrapped bias for the
Schottky stack. This scheme guarantees that the external
transistors will be off for any output level, and the output
leakage current is simply the bias current of the buffer.
The circuit works properly for AC signals up to 500V/µs.
Above this slew rate, the buffer cannot keep up and the
external transistors may turn on transiently. Because of the
bootstrap action, the output capacitance is less than 10pF up
to 10MHz of small-signal bandwidth and 300V/µs slew rate,
increasing beyond these values. Adding overcompensation
capacitors will degrade the slew rate that the output can
withstand before current is drawn.
It is sometime necessary to provide a “snubber” network-a
series R and C- to provide a local R.F. impedance for the
buffer to look into. 330
Ω and 56pF should serve. Also, it is
well to provide some DC path to ground (47k for instance) to
bias the output stage when no actual circuit is connected to
the EL2021 in high-impedance mode.

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