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AT90S8535 Datasheet(PDF) 43 Page - ATMEL Corporation |
AT90S8535 Datasheet(HTML) 43 Page - ATMEL Corporation |
43 / 127 page ![]() 43 AT90S/LS8535 1041H–11/01 Timer/Counter Control Register (TCCR2). The interrupt enable/disable settings are found in the Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register (TIMSK). This module features a high-resolution and a high-accuracy usage with the lower pres- caling opportunities. Similarly, the high prescaling opportunities make this unit useful for lower speed functions or exact timing functions with infrequent actions. The Timer/Counter supports an Output Compare function using the Output Compare Register (OCR2) as the data source to be compared to the Timer/Counter contents.The Output Compare function includes optional clearing of the counter on compare match and action on the Output Compare Pin, PD7(OC2), on compare match. Writing to PORTD7 does not set the OC2 value to a predetermined value. Timer/Counter2 can also be used as an 8-bit Pulse Width Modulator. In this mode, Timer/Counter2 and the Output Compare Register serve as a glitch-free, stand-alone PWM with centered pulses. Refer to page 45 for a detailed description of this function. Timer/Counter2 Control Register – TCCR2 • Bit 7 – Res: Reserved Bit This bit is a reserved bit in the AT90S8535 and always reads as zero. • Bit 6 – PWM2: Pulse Width Modulator Enable When set (one), this bit enables PWM mode for Timer/Counter2. This mode is described on page 45. • Bits 5, 4 – COM21, COM20: Compare Output Mode, Bits 1 and 0 The COM21 and COM20 control bits determine any output pin action following a com- pare match in Timer/Counter2. Output pin actions affect pin PD7(OC2). This is an alternative function to an I/O port and the corresponding direction control bit must be set (one) to control an output pin. The control configuration is shown in Table 17. Note: In PWM mode, these bits have a different function. Refer to Table 19 for a detailed description. • Bit 3 – CTC2: Clear Timer/Counter on Compare Match When the CTC2 control bit is set (one), Timer/Counter2 is reset to $00 in the CPU clock cycle after a compare match. If the control bit is cleared, Timer/Counter2 continues counting and is unaffected by a compare match. Since the compare match is detected in the CPU clock cycle following the match, this function will behave differently when a prescaling higher than 1 is used for the timer. When a prescaling of 1 is used and the compare2 register is set to C, the timer will count as follows if CTC2 is set: ... | C-2 | C-1 | C | 0 | 1 |... Bit 7 654 32 10 $25 ($45) – PWM2 COM21 COM20 CTC2 CS22 CS21 CS20 TCCR2 Read/Write R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Initial Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 17. Compare Mode Select COM21 COM20 Description 0 0 Timer/Counter disconnected from output pin OC2 0 1 Toggle the OC2 output line. 1 0 Clear the OC2 output line (to zero). 1 1 Set the OC2 output line (to one). |
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