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X24C45 Datasheet(PDF) 4 Page - Intersil Corporation |
X24C45 Datasheet(HTML) 4 Page - Intersil Corporation |
4 / 12 page 4 FN8104.0 June 1, 2005 WRITE The WRITE instruction contains the 4-bit address of the word to be written. The write instruction is immediately followed by the 16-bit word to be written. CE must remain HIGH during the entire operation. CE must go LOW before the next rising edge of SK. If CE is brought LOW prematurely (after the instruction but before 16 bits of data are transferred), the instruction register will be reset and the data that was shifted-in will be written to RAM. If CE is kept HIGH for more than 24 SK clock cycles (8-bit instruction plus 16-bit data), the data already shifted-in will be overwritten. READ The READ instruction contains the 4-bit address of the word to be accessed. Unlike the other six instructions, I0 of the instruction word is a "don’t care". This pro- vides two advantages. In a design that ties both DI and DO together, the absence of an eighth bit in the instruction allows the host time to convert an I/O line from an output to an input. Secondly, it allows for valid data output during the ninth SK clock cycle. D0, the first bit output during a read operation, is trun- cated. That is, it is internally clocked by the falling edge of the eighth SK clock; whereas, all succeeding bits are clocked by the rising edge of SK (refer to Read Cycle Diagram). LOW POWER MODE When CE is LOW, non-critical internal devices are powered-down, placing the device in the standby power mode, thereby minimizing power consumption. AUTOSTORE Feature The AUTOSTORE instruction (ENAS) sets the "AUTOSTORE enable" latch, allowing the X24C45 to automatically perform a store operation when VCC falls below the AUTOSTORE threshold (VASTH). Notes: X = Don't Care A = Address WRITE PROTECTION The X24C45 provides two software write protection mechanisms to prevent inadvertent stores of unknown data. Power-Up Condition Upon power-up the "write enable" and "AUTOSTORE enable" latches are in the reset state, disabling any store operation. Unknown Data Store The "previous recall" latch must be set after power-up. It may be set only by performing a software or hard- ware recall operation, which assures that data in all RAM locations is valid. SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS Power-Up Recall The X24C45 performs a power-up recall that transfers the EEPROM contents to the RAM array. Although the data may be read from the RAM array, this recall does not set the "previous recall" latch. During this power- up recall operation, all commands are ignored. There- fore, the host should delay any operations with the X24C45 a minimum of tPUR after VCC is stable. X24C45 |
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