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LTC2439-1 Datasheet(PDF) 24 Page - Linear Technology |
LTC2439-1 Datasheet(HTML) 24 Page - Linear Technology |
24 / 28 page LTC2439-1 24 24391f IN–, the expected drift of the dynamic current, offset and gain errors will be insignificant (about 1% of their respec- tive values over the entire temperature and voltage range). Even for the most stringent applications, a one-time calibration operation may be sufficient. In addition to the input sampling charge, the input ESD protection diodes have a temperature dependent leakage current. This current, nominally 1nA ( ±10nA max), results in a small offset shift. A 15k source resistance will create a 0LSB typical and 1LSB maximum offset voltage. Reference Current In a similar fashion, the LTC2439-1 samples the differen- tial reference pins REF+ and REF– transfering small amount of charge to and from the external driving circuits thus producing a dynamic reference current. This current does not change the converter offset, but it may degrade the gain and INL performance. The effect of this current can be analyzed in the same two distinct situations. For relatively small values of the external reference capaci- tors (CREF < 0.01µF), the voltage on the sampling capacitor settles almost completely and relatively large values for the source impedance result in only small errors. Such values for CREF will deteriorate the converter offset and gain performance without significant benefits of reference filtering and the user is advised to avoid them. Larger values of reference capacitors (CREF > 0.01µF) may be required as reference filters in certain configurations. Such capacitors will average the reference sampling charge and the external source resistance will see a quasi con- stant reference differential impedance. When FO = LOW (internal oscillator and 50Hz/60Hz notch), the typical differential reference resistance is 1.4M Ω which will gen- erate a gain error of approximately 1LSB full scale for each 40 Ω of source resistance driving REF+ or REF–. When FO is driven by an external oscillator with a frequency fEOSC (external conversion clock operation), the typical differen- tial reference resistance is 0.20 • 1012/fEOSCΩ and each ohm of source resistance drving REF+ or REF– will result in 1.54 • 10–7 • fEOSCLSB gain error at full scale. The effect of the source resistance on the two reference pins is additive with respect to this gain error. The typical +FS and –FS errors for various combinations of source resistance seen by the REF+ and REF– pins and external capacitance CREF connected to these pins are shown in Figures 19, 20, 21 and 22. In addition to this gain error, the converter INL perfor- mance is degraded by the reference source impedance. When FO = LOW (internal oscillator and 50Hz/60Hz notch), every 1000 Ω of source resistance driving REF+ or REF– translates into about 1LSB additional INL error. When FO is driven by an external oscillator with a frequency fEOSC, every 100 Ω of source resistance driving REF+ or REF– translates into about 5.5 • 10–7 • fEOSCLSB additional INL error. Figure 23 shows the typical INL error due to the source resistance driving the REF+ or REF– pins when large CREF values are used. The effect of the source resistance on the two reference pins is additive with respect to this INL error. In general, matching of source RSOURCE (Ω) 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 24361 F19 0 –3 –2 –1 VCC = 5V REF+ = 5V REF – = GND IN+ = 5V IN – = 2.5V FO = GND TA = 25°C CREF = 0.01µF CREF = 0.001µF CREF = 100pF CREF = 0pF RSOURCE (Ω) 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 2412 F19 3 0 1 2 VCC = 5V REF+ = 5V REF – = GND IN+ = GND IN – = 2.5V FO = GND TA = 25°C CREF = 0.01µF CREF = 0.001µF CREF = 100pF CREF = 0pF Figure 19. +FS Error vs RSOURCE at REF + or REF– (Small CIN) Figure 20. –FS Error vs RSOURCE at REF+ or REF– (Small CIN) APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO |
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