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LTC2439-1 Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - Linear Technology

Part # LTC2439-1
Description  8-/16-Channel 16-Bit No Latency Delta-Sigma ADC
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Manufacturer  LINER [Linear Technology]
Direct Link  http://www.linear.com
Logo LINER - Linear Technology

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Finally, CS can be used to control the free-running mode
of operation, see Serial Interface Timing Modes section.
Grounding CS will force the ADC to continuously convert
at the maximum output rate selected by FO.
The LTC2439-1’s 4-wire interface is SPI and MICROWIRE
compatible. This interface offers several flexible modes of
operation. These include internal/external serial clock,
3- or 4-wire I/O, single cycle conversion. The following
sections describe each of these serial interface timing
modes in detail. In all these cases, the converter can use
the internal oscillator (FO = LOW) or an external oscillator
connected to the FO pin. Refer to Table 6 for a summary.
External Serial Clock, Single Cycle Operation
(SPI/MICROWIRE Compatible)
This timing mode uses an external serial clock to shift out
the conversion result and a CS signal to monitor and
control the state of the conversion cycle, see Figure 6.
The serial clock mode is selected on the falling edge of CS.
To select the external serial clock mode, the serial clock pin
(SCK) must be LOW during each CS falling edge.
The serial data output pin (SDO) is Hi-Z as long as CS is
HIGH. At any time during the conversion cycle, CS may be
pulled LOW in order to monitor the state of the converter.
While CS is pulled LOW, EOC is output to the SDO pin.
EOC = 1 while a conversion is in progress and EOC = 0 if
the conversion is complete. If CS is HIGH, the device
automatically enters the low power sleep state once the
conversion is complete.
When the device is in the sleep state, its conversion result
is held in an internal static shift register. The device
remains in the sleep state until the first rising edge of SCK
Table 6. LTC2439-1 Interface Timing Modes
External SCK, Single Cycle Conversion
CS and SCK
CS and SCK
Figures 6, 7
External SCK, 3-Wire I/O
Figure 8
Internal SCK, Single Cycle Conversion
Figures 9, 10
Internal SCK, 3-Wire I/O, Continuous Conversion
Figure 11
When CS (Pin 16) is HIGH or the converter is in the con-
version state, the SDI input is ignored and may be driven
HIGH or LOW. When CS goes LOW and the conversion is
complete, SDO goes low and then SDI starts to shift in bits
on the rising edge of SCK.
Serial Data Output (SDO)
The serial data output pin, SDO (Pin 17), provides the
result of the last conversion as a serial bit stream (MSB
first) during the data output state. In addition, the SDO pin
is used as an end of conversion indicator during the
conversion and sleep states.
When CS (Pin 16) is HIGH, the SDO driver is switched to
a high impedance state. This allows sharing the serial
interface with other devices. If CS is LOW during the
convert or sleep state, SDO will output EOC. If CS is LOW
during the conversion phase, the EOC bit appears HIGH on
the SDO pin. Once the conversion is complete, EOC goes
LOW. The device remains in the sleep state until the first
rising edge of SCK occurs while CS = LOW.
Chip Select Input (CS)
The active LOW chip select, CS (Pin 16), is used to test the
conversion status and to enable the data input/output
transfer as described in the previous sections.
In addition, the CS signal can be used to trigger a new
conversion cycle before the entire serial data transfer has
been completed. The LTC2439-1 will abort any serial data
transfer in progress and start a new conversion cycle
anytime a LOW-to-HIGH transition is detected at the CS
pin after the converter has entered the data input/output
state (i.e., after the first rising edge of SCK occurs with
CS = LOW). If the device has not finished loading the last
input bit (A0 of SDI) by the time CS pulled HIGH, the
address information is discarded and the previous ad-
dress is kept.

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