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EDD2508AKTA-5 Datasheet(PDF) 13 Page - Elpida Memory |
EDD2508AKTA-5 Datasheet(HTML) 13 Page - Elpida Memory |
13 / 48 page ![]() EDD2508AKTA-5 Preliminary Data Sheet E0349E60 (Ver. 6.0) 13 Command Operation Command Truth Table DDR SDRAM recognize the following commands specified by the /CS, /RAS, /CAS, /WE and address pins. All other combinations than those in the table below are illegal. CKE Command Symbol n – 1 n /CS /RAS /CAS /WE BA1 BA0 AP Address Ignore command DESL H H H × × × × × × × No operation NOP H H L H H H × × × × Burst stop in read command BST H H L H H L × × × × Column address and read command READ H H L H L H V V L V Read with auto-precharge READA H H L H L H V V H V Column address and write command WRIT H H L H L L V V L V Write with auto-precharge WRITA H H L H L L V V H V Row address strobe and bank active ACT H H L L H H V V V V Precharge select bank PRE H H L L H L V V L × Precharge all bank PALL H H L L H L × × H × Refresh REF H H L L L H × × × × SELF H L L L L H × × × × Mode register set MRS H H L L L L L L L V EMRS H H L L L L L H L V Remark: H: VIH. L: VIL. ×: VIH or VIL V: Valid address input Note: The CKE level must be kept for 1 CK cycle at least. Ignore command [DESL] When /CS is High at the cross point of the CK rising edge and the VREF level, every input are neglected and internal status is held. No operation [NOP] As long as this command is input at the cross point of the CK rising edge and the VREF level, address and data input are neglected and internal status is held. Burst stop in read operation [BST] This command stops a burst read operation, which is not applicable for a burst write operation. Column address strobe and read command [READ] This command starts a read operation. The start address of the burst read is determined by the column address (See “Address Pins Table” in Pin Function) and the bank select address. After the completion of the read operation, the output buffer becomes High-Z. Read with auto-precharge [READA] This command starts a read operation. After completion of the read operation, precharge is automatically executed. Column address strobe and write command [WRIT] This command starts a write operation. The start address of the burst write is determined by the column address (See “Address Pins Table” in Pin Function) and the bank select address. Write with auto-precharge [WRITA] This command starts a write operation. After completion of the write operation, precharge is automatically executed. |
Similar Part No. - EDD2508AKTA-5 |
Similar Description - EDD2508AKTA-5 |
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