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EDD1216AATA-5 Datasheet(PDF) 16 Page - Elpida Memory |
EDD1216AATA-5 Datasheet(HTML) 16 Page - Elpida Memory |
16 / 48 page EDD1216AATA-5 Data Sheet E0443E40 (Ver. 4.0) 16 Current state /CS /RAS /CAS /WE Address Command Operation Next state Read* 6 H × × × × DESL NOP Active L H H H × NOP NOP Active L H H L × BST BST Active L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA Interrupting burst read operation to start new read Active L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRITA ILLEGAL* 13 — L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL* 11 — L L H L BA, A10 PRE, PALL Interrupting burst read operation to start pre-charge Precharging L L L × × ILLEGAL — Read with auto-pre- charge* 7 H × × × × DESL NOP Precharging L H H H × NOP NOP Precharging L H H L × BST ILLEGAL — L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA ILLEGAL* 14 — L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRITA ILLEGAL* 14 — L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL* 11, 14 — L L H L BA, A10 PRE, PALL ILLEGAL* 11, 14 — L L L × × ILLEGAL — Write* 8 H × × × × DESL NOP Write recovering L H H H × NOP NOP Write recovering L H H L × BST ILLEGAL — L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA Interrupting burst write operation to start read operation. Read/ReadA L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRITA Interrupting burst write operation to start new write operation. Write/WriteA L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL* 11 — L L H L BA, A10 PRE, PALL Interrupting write operation to start pre- charge. Idle L L L × × ILLEGAL — Write recovering* 9 H × × × × DESL NOP Active L H H H × NOP NOP Active L H H L × BST ILLEGAL — L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA Starting read operation. Read/ReadA L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRITA Starting new write operation. Write/WriteA L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL* 11 — L L H L BA, A10 PRE/PALL ILLEGAL* 11 — L L L × × ILLEGAL — |
Similar Part No. - EDD1216AATA-5 |
Similar Description - EDD1216AATA-5 |
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