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EBE51UD8ABFA Datasheet(PDF) 21 Page - Elpida Memory |
EBE51UD8ABFA Datasheet(HTML) 21 Page - Elpida Memory |
21 / 22 page EBE51UD8ABFA Data Sheet E0357E50 (Ver. 5.0) 21 CAUTION FOR HANDLING MEMORY MODULES When handling or inserting memory modules, be sure not to touch any components on the modules, such as the memory ICs, chip capacitors and chip resistors. It is necessary to avoid undue mechanical stress on these components to prevent damaging them. In particular, do not push module cover or drop the modules in order to protect from mechanical defects, which would be electrical defects. When re-packing memory modules, be sure the modules are not touching each other. Modules in contact with other modules may cause excessive mechanical stress, which may damage the modules. MDE0202 NOTES FOR CMOS DEVICES 1 PRECAUTION AGAINST ESD FOR MOS DEVICES Exposing the MOS devices to a strong electric field can cause destruction of the gate oxide and ultimately degrade the MOS devices operation. Steps must be taken to stop generation of static electricity as much as possible, and quickly dissipate it, when once it has occurred. Environmental control must be adequate. When it is dry, humidifier should be used. It is recommended to avoid using insulators that easily build static electricity. MOS devices must be stored and transported in an anti-static container, static shielding bag or conductive material. All test and measurement tools including work bench and floor should be grounded. The operator should be grounded using wrist strap. MOS devices must not be touched with bare hands. Similar precautions need to be taken for PW boards with semiconductor MOS devices on it. 2 HANDLING OF UNUSED INPUT PINS FOR CMOS DEVICES No connection for CMOS devices input pins can be a cause of malfunction. If no connection is provided to the input pins, it is possible that an internal input level may be generated due to noise, etc., hence causing malfunction. CMOS devices behave differently than Bipolar or NMOS devices. Input levels of CMOS devices must be fixed high or low by using a pull-up or pull-down circuitry. Each unused pin should be connected to VDD or GND with a resistor, if it is considered to have a possibility of being an output pin. The unused pins must be handled in accordance with the related specifications. 3 STATUS BEFORE INITIALIZATION OF MOS DEVICES Power-on does not necessarily define initial status of MOS devices. Production process of MOS does not define the initial operation status of the device. Immediately after the power source is turned ON, the MOS devices with reset function have not yet been initialized. Hence, power-on does not guarantee output pin levels, I/O settings or contents of registers. MOS devices are not initialized until the reset signal is received. Reset operation must be executed immediately after power-on for MOS devices having reset function. CME0107 |
Similar Part No. - EBE51UD8ABFA |
Similar Description - EBE51UD8ABFA |
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