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EBE51RD8ABFA Datasheet(PDF) 15 Page - Elpida Memory |
EBE51RD8ABFA Datasheet(HTML) 15 Page - Elpida Memory |
15 / 22 page ![]() EBE51RD8ABFA Data Sheet E0402E40 (Ver. 4.0) 15 AC Characteristics (TC = 0 to +85 °°°°C, VDD, VDDQ = 1.8V ± 0.1V, VSS = 0V) (DDR2 SDRAM Component Specification) -5C -4A Frequency (Mbps) 533 400 Parameter Symbol min. max. min. max. Unit Notes /CAS latency CL 4 5 3 5 tCK Active to read or write command delay tRCD 15 15 ns Precharge command period tRP 15 15 ns Active to active/auto refresh command time tRC 55 55 ns DQ output access time from CK, /CK tAC −500 +500 −600 +600 ps DQS output access time from CK, /CK tDQSCK −450 +450 −500 +500 ps CK high-level width tCH 0.45 0.55 0.45 0.55 tCK CK low-level width tCL 0.45 0.55 0.45 0.55 tCK CK half period tHP min. (tCL, tCH) min. (tCL, tCH) ps Clock cycle time tCK 3750 8000 5000 8000 ps DQ and DM input hold time tDH 225 275 ps 5 DQ and DM input setup time tDS 100 150 ps 4 Control and Address input pulse width for each input tIPW 0.6 0.6 tCK DQ and DM input pulse width for each input tDIPW 0.35 0.35 tCK Data-out high-impedance time from CK,/CK tHZ tAC max. tAC max. ps Data-out low-impedance time from CK,/CK tLZ tAC min. tAC max. tAC min. tAC max. ps DQS-DQ skew for DQS and associated DQ signals tDQSQ 300 350 ps DQ hold skew factor tQHS 400 450 ps DQ/DQS output hold time from DQS tQH tHP – tQHS tHP – tQHS ps Write command to first DQS latching transition tDQSS WL − 0.25 WL + 0.25 WL − 0.25 WL + 0.25 tCK DQS input high pulse width tDQSH 0.35 0.35 tCK DQS input low pulse width tDQSL 0.35 0.35 tCK DQS falling edge to CK setup time tDSS 0.2 0.2 tCK DQS falling edge hold time from CK tDSH 0.2 0.2 tCK Mode register set command cycle time tMRD 2 2 tCK Write preamble setup time tWPRES 0 0 tCK Write postamble tWPST 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 tCK Write preamble tWPRE 0.25 0.25 tCK Address and control input hold time tIH 375 475 ps 5 Address and control input setup time tIS 250 350 ps 4 Read preamble tRPRE 0.9 1.1 0.9 1.1 tCK Read postamble tRPST 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 tCK Active to precharge command tRAS 40 70000 40 70000 ns Active to auto-precharge delay tRAP tRCD min. tRCD min. ns |
Similar Part No. - EBE51RD8ABFA |
Similar Description - EBE51RD8ABFA |
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