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CS8421-CZZ Datasheet(PDF) 15 Page - Cirrus Logic

Part # CS8421-CZZ
Description  32-bit, 192 kHz Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter
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Manufacturer  CIRRUS [Cirrus Logic]
Direct Link  http://www.cirrus.com
Logo CIRRUS - Cirrus Logic

CS8421-CZZ Datasheet(HTML) 15 Page - Cirrus Logic

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Multirate digital signal processing techniques are used to conceptually upsample the incoming data to a
very high rate and then downsample to the outgoing rate. The internal data path is 32-bits wide even if a
lower bit depth is selected at the output. The filtering is designed so that a full input audio bandwidth of
20 kHz is preserved if the input sample and output sample rates are greater than or equal to 44.1 kHz.
When the output sample rate becomes less than the input sample rate, the input is automatically band
limited to avoid aliasing products in the output. Careful design ensures minimum ripple and distortion
products are added to the incoming signal. The SRC also determines the ratio between the incoming and
outgoing sample rates, and sets the filter corner frequencies appropriately. Any jitter in the incoming signal
has little impact on the dynamic performance of the rate converter and has no influence on the output
In order to ensure proper operation of the CS8421, the clock or crystal attached to XTI must simultaneous-
ly satisfy the requirements of LRCK for both the input and output as follows:
If the input is set to master, Fsi
≤ XTI/128 and Fso ≤ XTI/130.
If the output is set to master, Fso
≤ XTI/128 and Fsi ≤ XTI/130.
If both input and output are set to slave, XTI
≥ 130*[minimum(Fsi,Fso)], XTI/Fsi < 3750, and XTI/Fso
< 3750.
Data Resolution and Dither
When using the serial audio input port in left justified and I²S modes all input data is treated as 32-bits
wide. Any truncation that has been done prior to the CS8421 to less than 32-bits should have been done
using an appropriate dithering process. If the serial audio input port is in right justified mode, the input data
will be truncated to the bit depth set by SAIF pin setting. If the SAIF bit depth is set to 16, 20, or 24-bits,
and the input data is 32-bits wide, then truncation distortion will occur. Similarly, in any serial audio input
port mode, if an inadequate number of bit clocks are entered (i.e. 16 clocks instead of 20 clocks), then the
input words will be truncated, causing truncation distortion at low levels. In summary, there is no dithering
mechanism on the input side of the CS8421, and care must be taken to ensure that no truncation occurs.
Dithering is used internally where appropriate inside the SRC block.
The output side of the SRC can be set to 16, 20, 24, or 32-bits. Dithering is applied and is automatically
scaled to the selected output word length. This dither is not correlated between left and right channels.
SRC Locking and Varispeed
The SRC calculates the ratio between the input sample rate and the output sample rate, and uses this
information to set up various parameters inside the SRC block. The SRC takes some time to make this
calculation, approximately 4200/Fso (8.75 ms at Fso of 48 kHz).
If Fsi is changing, as in a varispeed application, the SRC will track the incoming sample rate. During this
tracking mode, the SRC will still rate convert the audio data, but at increased distortion levels. Once the
incoming sample rate is stable the SRC will return to normal levels of audio quality. The data buffer in the
SRC can overflow if the input sample rate changes at greater than 10%/sec.
The SRC_UNLOCK pin is used to indicate when the SRC is not locked. When RST is asserted, or if there
is a change in Fsi or Fso, SRC_UNLOCK will be set high. The SRC_UNLOCK pin will continue to be high
until the SRC has reacquired lock and settled, at which point it will transition low. When the
SRC_UNLOCK pin is set low, SDOUT is outputting valid audio data. This can be used to signal a DAC to
unmute its output.

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