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Q45VTP Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - Banner Engineering Corp.

Part # Q45VTP
Description  Sure Cross짰 Wireless Q45VTP Node
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Manufacturer  BANNER [Banner Engineering Corp.]
Direct Link  https://www.bannerengineering.com/us/en.html
Logo BANNER - Banner Engineering Corp.

Q45VTP Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - Banner Engineering Corp.

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The Wireless Q45VTP Node is a compact, industrial, battery-powered device that wirelessly communicates with any Sure Cross
Performance Gateway and mounts on a variety of machines to analyze vibration data and identify and predict failures in rotating
machinery. The Q45VTP uses DIP switches to allow multiple configuration options for the vibration characteristics being monitored
by Banner's QM42VT1 Vibration Sensor.
Delivers pre-processed high accuracy vibration values for monitoring rotating equipment such as:
Rotary Compressors
Exhaust or HVAC fan motors
Easy-to-use rugged device that can be easily mounted to equipment
Use with the DXM Wireless Controller to track and trend vibration characteristics in real time to predict need for
maintenance, predict potential component failure and avoid process downtime.
Eliminate control wires—The Sure Cross wireless system is a radio frequency network with integrated I/O that removes the
need for power and control wires
Reduce complexity—Machine or process reconfiguration made easier; great for retrofit applications
Deploy easily—Simplify installation on existing equipment enables deployment in remote and hard-to-access locations
where implementing a wired solution would be difficult, impractical, or not cost-effective
Battery powered for “peel and stick” functionality with 2+ years of battery life
Achieves vibration accuracy of ±10% RMS velocity (in/sec)
Detects vibration characteristics on 2 axis (radial and axial) such as RMS Velocity, High
Frequency Acceleration, Peak Acceleration, Peak Velocity Component Frequency, etc
Transmit power levels of 250 mW or 1 Watt for 900 MHz models and 65 mW for 2.4 GHz
models are user-selectable
DIP switches for user configuration of sample time and vibration characteristics
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) technology ensures reliable data delivery
within the unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band
Transceivers provide bidirectional communication between the Gateway and Node, including
fully acknowledged data transmission
Diagnostics allow user-defined output settings in the unlikely event of lost RF signal
Do not use this device for personnel protection.
Using this device for personnel protection could result in serious injury or death.
This device does not include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary to allow its use in
personnel safety applications. A device failure or malfunction can cause either an energized (on) or de-
energized (off) output condition.
Radio Frequency
Inputs and Outputs
2.4 GHz ISM Band
Pre-configured to monitor QM42VT1 vibration/temperature sensors
900 MHz ISM Band
Exporting Sure Cross® Radios. It is our intent to fully comply with all national and regional regulations regarding radio frequency emissions. Customers who want to re-export this product
to a country other than that to which it was sold must ensure the device is approved in the destination country. A list of approved countries appears in the
Radio Certifications section of
the product manual. The Sure Cross wireless products were certified for use in these countries using the antenna that ships with the product. When using other antennas, verify you are
not exceeding the transmit power levels allowed by local governing agencies. Consult with Banner Engineering Corp. if the destination country is not on this list.
Sure Cross® Wireless Q45VTP Node
Original Document
208637 Rev. A
8 October 2018

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