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Q45UA Datasheet(PDF) 3 Page - Banner Engineering Corp.

Part # Q45UA
Description  Sure Cross짰 Wireless Q45UA Ultrasonic Node
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Manufacturer  BANNER [Banner Engineering Corp.]
Direct Link  https://www.bannerengineering.com/us/en.html
Logo BANNER - Banner Engineering Corp.

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Configuration Instructions
Button and LEDs
Red LED (flashing) indicates a radio link error with the Gateway.
Green LED (flashing) indicates a good radio link with the Gateway.
Amber LED is not used.
DIP Switches
DIP Switches
After making any changes to any DIP switch position, reboot the Wireless Q45 Sensor by triple-clicking the button, waiting a
second, then double-clicking the button.
The DIP switches are in the OFF position. To turn a DIP switch on, push the switch toward the battery pack. DIP switches one
through four are numbered from left to right.
DIP Switches
Transmit power: 1 Watt
Transmit power: 250 mW (compatible with 150 mW radios)
Sample/Report Rate: User configured (5 minutes by default)
Sample/Report Rate: 16 seconds
Sample/Report Rate: 64 seconds
Sample/Report Rate: Sample on Demand
Light mode: flash (recommended to conserve the battery) 1
Light mode: solid
* Default position
Transmit Power Levels
The 900 MHz radios transmit at 1 Watt (30 dBm) or 250 mW (24 dBm). While the Performance radios operate in 1 Watt mode, they
cannot communicate with the older 150 mW radios. To communicate with 150 mW radios, operate this radio in 250 mW mode. For
2.4 GHz models, this DIP switch is disabled. The transmit power for 2.4 GHz is fixed at about 65 mW EIRP (18 dBm), making the
2.4 GHz Performance models automatically compatible with older 2.4 GHz models.
Sample and Report Rates
The sample interval, or rate, defines how often the Sure Cross device samples the input. For battery-powered applications, setting
a slower rate extends the battery life.
The report rate defines how often the Node communicates the I/O status to the Gateway. For
FlexPower® applications, setting the
report rate to a slower rate extends the battery life.
What is Sampling on Demand?
Sample on Demand allows a host system to send a Modbus command to any register and require the Node's inputs to
immediately sample the sensor and report readings back to the host system. Sampling on demand can be used between the
normal periodic reporting.
To use the Sample on Demand feature requires using a host-controlled system capable of sending Modbus commands to the
1 The light consumes most of the sensor's power. If the light remains off most of the time, the batteries will last much longer. In flashing mode, the light can
be on for up to one year on a pair of batteries.
Sure Cross® Wireless Q45UA Ultrasonic Node
P/N 207212 Rev. B
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: +1-763-544-3164

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