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Q45UA Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - Banner Engineering Corp.

Part # Q45UA
Description  Sure Cross짰 Wireless Q45UA Ultrasonic Node
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Manufacturer  BANNER [Banner Engineering Corp.]
Direct Link  https://www.bannerengineering.com/us/en.html
Logo BANNER - Banner Engineering Corp.

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Sure Cross® Wireless Q45 Sensors combine the best of Banner’s flexible Q45 sensor family with its reliable, field-proven, Sure
Cross wireless architecture to solve new classes of applications limited only by the user’s imagination. Containing a variety of
sensor models, a radio, and internal battery supply, this product line is truly plug and play.
The Q45UA combines the functionality of a K50U ultrasonic sensor with the reliability of the Q45 Wireless Node into one compact
package, eliminating the need for ordering multiple components and reducing the physical size of the device. This solution allows
monitoring of fluid or dry assets in remote locations without human intervention. The industrial grade, battery-powered device can
be used to wirelessly transmit level or position to a wireless controller/gateway for remote monitoring or control with local LED
indication. All configuration is done through internal DIP switches or the DX80 User Configuration Tool. In addition, caustic
chemical resistant versions are available.
Provides for ability to deliver factory automation and IIoT solutions for many applications including but not limited to:
Supply tank level
Remote fuel tank level
Epoxy/chemical totes or containers
55 gallon drum level
Dry goods bin fill level
Presence and absence
Holding tank levels
Prevent tank overfills and pump cavitation by providing level status and alarming capabilities
Battery powered for "peel and stick" functionality with a two-year battery life capability
Easy-to-use/rugged device that can be mounted permanently to equipment or temporarily threaded into bung holes of
supply tanks.
Mobility—Since not tethered by wires, sensor can move with the container. When container is replaced, simply swap out
the sensor to the new one
Reduce complexity—Machine or process reconfiguration made easier; great for retrofit applications
Deploy easily—Simplify installation on existing equipment enables deployment in remote and hard-to-access locations
where implementing a wired solution would be difficult, impractical, or not cost-effective
DIP switches for user configuration for sample and report times and transmit power levels of
250 mW or 1 Watt for 900 MHz models
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) technology ensures reliable data delivery
within the unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band
Transceivers provide bidirectional communication between the Gateway and Node, including
fully acknowledged data transmission
Diagnostics allow user-defined output settings in the unlikely event of lost RF signal
WARNING: Not To Be Used for Personnel Protection
Never use this device as a sensing device for personnel protection. Doing so could lead to serious injury or
death. This device does not include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary to allow its use in
personnel safety applications. A sensor failure or malfunction can cause either an energized or de-energized
sensor output condition.
Radio Frequency
Inputs and Outputs
Ultrasonic Input Range and Frequency
2.4 GHz ISM Band
Inputs: One Ultrasonic Input, One Thermistor
Outputs: One Four-Color LED Indicator Light
Range: 300 mm to 3 m (11.8 in to 118 in)
Frequency: 114 kHz
900 MHz ISM Band
Sure Cross® Wireless Q45UA Ultrasonic Node
Original Document
207212 Rev. B
12 September 2018

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