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Q45UA Datasheet(PDF) 4 Page - Banner Engineering Corp.

Part # Q45UA
Description  Sure Cross짰 Wireless Q45UA Ultrasonic Node
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Manufacturer  BANNER [Banner Engineering Corp.]
Direct Link  https://www.bannerengineering.com/us/en.html
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Sample an Input Using a Host System
To sample the input, have the Host System write to the Node's register 15. To calculate which register this is for your Node, use
this equation: 15 + (Node # × 16).
1. From the host system, write 0x13xx to the Node's register 15, where xx defines the input you want to sample.
For Input
Write Value (in hex)
Write Value (in decimal)
All Inputs
2. To send the Sample on Demand command to more than one input, add together the binary representation values.
For example, to demand a sampling of inputs 1, 2, and 3, the Hex command is 0x1307.
Bind the Q45 to the Gateway and Assign the Node Address
Before beginning the binding procedure, apply power to all the devices. Separate the devices by two meters when running binding
procedure. Put only one Gateway into binding at a time to prevent binding to the wrong Gateway.
Figure 1. Buttons on a housed Gateway
1. Enter binding mode on the Gateway.
For housed DX80 Gateways, triple-click button 2 on the Gateway. Both LEDs flash red.
For board-level DX80 Gateways, triple-click the binding button on the Gateway. The green and red LED flashes.
2. Assign the Q45 a Node address using the Gateway's rotary dials. Use the left rotary dial for the left digit and the right rotary
dial for the right digit. For example, to assign your Q45 to Node 10, set the Gateway's left dial to 1 and the right dial to 0.
Valid Node addresses are 01 through 47.
3. Loosen the clamp plate on the top of the Q45 and lift the cover.
4. Enter binding mode on the Q45 by triple-clicking the Q45's binding button.
The red and green LEDs flash alternately and the sensor searches for a Gateway in binding mode. After the Q45 is bound,
the LEDs stay solid momentarily, then they flash together four times. The Q45 exits binding mode.
5. Label the sensor with the Q45's Node address number for future reference.
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for as many Q45 as are needed for your network.
7. After binding all Q45, exit binding mode on the Gateway.
For housed DX80 Gateways, double-click button 2 on the Gateway.
For board-level DX80 Gateways, double-click the binding button on the Gateway.
For Gateways with single-line LCDs, after binding your Q45 to the Gateway, make note of the binding code displayed under the
Gateway's *DVCFG menu, XADR submenu on the LCD. Knowing the binding code prevents having to re-bind all Q45s if your
Gateway is ever replaced.
Bind a Q45 Node to a DXM Gateway and Assign the Node Address
Before beginning the binding procedure, apply power to all the devices. Separate radios by 2 meters when running binding
procedure. Put only one DXM Gateway into binding at a time to prevent binding to the wrong Gateway.
1. On the DXM radio using the arrow keys select the ISM Radio menu on the LCD and click ENTER.
2. Highlight the Binding menu and click ENTER.
3. Use the arrow keys to select the Node address to bind the Q45 to.
4. Loosen the clamp plate on the top of the Q45 and lift the cover.
Sure Cross® Wireless Q45UA Ultrasonic Node
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: +1-763-544-3164
P/N 207212 Rev. B

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