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S29AL008D Datasheet(PDF) 2 Page - SPANSION |
S29AL008D Datasheet(HTML) 2 Page - SPANSION |
2 / 55 page 2 S29AL008D S29AL008D_00A3 June 16, 2005 Da t a S h ee t Notice On Data Sheet Designations Spansion LLC issues data sheets with Advance Information or Preliminary designations to advise readers of product information or intended specifications throughout the product life cycle, in- cluding development, qualification, initial production, and full production. In all cases, however, readers are encouraged to verify that they have the latest information before finalizing their de- sign. The following descriptions of Spansion data sheet designations are presented here to high- light their presence and definitions. Advance Information The Advance Information designation indicates that Spansion LLC is developing one or more spe- cific products, but has not committed any design to production. Information presented in a doc- ument with this designation is likely to change, and in some cases, development on the product may discontinue. Spansion LLC therefore places the following conditions upon Advance Informa- tion content: “This document contains information on one or more products under development at Spansion LLC. The information is intended to help you evaluate this product. Do not design in this product without con- tacting the factory. Spansion LLC reserves the right to change or discontinue work on this proposed product without notice.” Preliminary The Preliminary designation indicates that the product development has progressed such that a commitment to production has taken place. This designation covers several aspects of the prod- uct life cycle, including product qualification, initial production, and the subsequent phases in the manufacturing process that occur before full production is achieved. Changes to the technical specifications presented in a Preliminary document should be expected while keeping these as- pects of production under consideration. Spansion places the following conditions upon Prelimi- nary content: “This document states the current technical specifications regarding the Spansion product(s) described herein. The Preliminary status of this document indicates that product qualification has been completed, and that initial production has begun. Due to the phases of the manufacturing process that require maintaining efficiency and quality, this document may be revised by subsequent versions or modifica- tions due to changes in technical specifications.” Combination Some data sheets will contain a combination of products with different designations (Advance In- formation, Preliminary, or Full Production). This type of document will distinguish these products and their designations wherever necessary, typically on the first page, the ordering information page, and pages with DC Characteristics table and AC Erase and Program table (in the table notes). The disclaimer on the first page refers the reader to the notice on this page. Full Production (No Designation on Document) When a product has been in production for a period of time such that no changes or only nominal changes are expected, the Preliminary designation is removed from the data sheet. Nominal changes may include those affecting the number of ordering part numbers available, such as the addition or deletion of a speed option, temperature range, package type, or VIO range. Changes may also include those needed to clarify a description or to correct a typographical error or incor- rect specification. Spansion LLC applies the following conditions to documents in this category: “This document states the current technical specifications regarding the Spansion product(s) described herein. Spansion LLC deems the products to have been in sufficient production volume such that sub- sequent versions of this document are not expected to change. However, typographical or specification corrections, or modifications to the valid combinations offered may occur.” Questions regarding these document designations may be directed to your local AMD or Fujitsu sales office. |
Similar Part No. - S29AL008D |
Similar Description - S29AL008D |
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