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When it is set to a 1 by S/W, the controller should issue an interrupt upon completion of this buffer.
If it is set to a 0, the controller should continuously send the last valid data when FIFO is under-run. (Keep the last data, and
validates the tag bit for Slot-5 on AC_DOUT)
If it is set 1, the controller continuously send the last invalid data when FIFO is empty or under-run. (Keep the last data, but
invalidates the tag bit for Slot-5 on AC_DOUT)
(The BU bit is only effective for LINE1-Out master)
Buffer Length [14:0]:
The size of data buffer is in number of 16-bit sample. So the maximum number of samples is 32767. A value of 0 means there is no
sample transferred into this buffer. To achieve an efficient PCI transaction, the buffer length must be an even number.