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HY5DU12822B Datasheet(PDF) 35 Page - Hynix Semiconductor

Part # HY5DU12822B
Description  512Mb DDR SDRAM
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Manufacturer  HYNIX [Hynix Semiconductor]
Direct Link  http://www.skhynix.com/kor/main.do
Logo HYNIX - Hynix Semiconductor

HY5DU12822B Datasheet(HTML) 35 Page - Hynix Semiconductor

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Rev. 0.1 / May 2004
5. CK, /CK slew rates are >=1.0V/ns
6. These parameters guarantee device timing, but they are not necessarily tested on each device, and they may be guaranteed
by design or tester correlation.
7. Data latched at both rising and falling edges of Data Strobes(LDQS/UDQS) : DQ, LDM/UDM.
8. Minimum of 200 cycles of stable input clocks after Self Refresh Exit command, where CKE is held high, is required to
complete Self Refresh Exit and lock the internal DLL circuit of DDR SDRAM.
9. Min (tCL, tCH) refers to the smaller of the actual clock low time and the actual clock high time as provided to the device
(i.e. this value can be greater than the minimum specification limits for tCL and tCH).
10. tHP = minimum half clock period for any given cycle and is defined by clock high or clock low (tCH, tCL).
tQHS consists of tDQSQmax, the pulse width distortion of on-chip clock circuits, data pin to pin skew and output pattern
effects and p-channel to n-channel variation of the output drivers.
11 .This derating table is used to increase tDS/tDH in case where the input slew-rate is below 0.5V/ns.
Input Setup / Hold Slew-rate Derating Table.
12. I/O Setup/Hold Plateau Derating. This derating table is used to increase tDS/tDH in case where the input level is
flat below VREF +/-310mV for a duration of up to 2ns.
13. I/O Setup/Hold Delta Inverse Slew Rate Derating. This derating table is used to increase tDS/tDH in case where the DQ and
DQS slew rates differ. The Delta Inverse Slew Rate is calculated as (1/SlewRate1)-(1/SlewRate2). For example,
if slew rate 1 = 0.5V/ns and Slew Rate2 = 0.4V/n then the Delta Inverse Slew Rate = -0.5ns/V.
14. DQS, DM and DQ input slew rate is specified to prevent double clocking of data and preserve setup and hold times.
Signal transitions through the DC region must be monotonic.
15. tDAL = 2 clocks + (tRP / tCK ). For each of the terms above, if not already an integer, round to the next highest integer.
tCK is equal to the actual system clock cycle time.
Example: For DDR266B at CL=2.5 and tCK = 7.5 ns,
tDAL = (15 ns / 7.5 ns) + (20 ns / 7.5 ns) = (2.00) + (2.67)
Round up each non-integer to the next highest integer: = (2) + (3), tDAL = 5 clocks
16. For the parts which do not has internal RAS lockout circuit, Active to Read with Auto precharge delay
should be tRAS - BL/2 x tCK.
Input Setup / Hold Slew-rate
Delta tDS
Delta tDH
I/O Input Level
Delta tDS
Delta tDH
Delta tDS
Delta tDH
+/- 0.5

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