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NT5TU64M8EE Datasheet(PDF) 92 Page - Nanya Technology Corporation.

Part # NT5TU64M8EE
Description  DDR2 512Mb SDRAM
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Manufacturer  NANYA [Nanya Technology Corporation.]
Direct Link  http://www.nanya.com
Logo NANYA - Nanya Technology Corporation.

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- tJIT(duty)
tJIT(duty) is defined as the cumulative set of tCH jitter and tCL jitter. tCH jitter is the largest deviation of
any single tCH from tCH(avg). tCL jitter is the largest deviation of any single tCL from tCL(avg).
tJIT(duty) = Min/max of {tJIT(CH), tJIT(CL)}
tJIT(CH) = {tCHi- tCH(avg) where i=1 to 200}
tJIT(CL) = {tCLi- tCL(avg) where i=1 to 200}
- tJIT(per), tJIT(per,lck)
tJIT(per) is defined as the largest deviation of any single tCK from tCK(avg).
tJIT(per) = Min/max of {tCKi- tCK(avg) where i=1 to 200}
tJIT(per) defines the single period jitter when the DLL is already locked.
tJIT(per,lck) uses the same definition for single period jitter, during the DLL locking period only.
tJIT(per) and tJIT(per,lck) are not guaranteed through final production testing.
- tJIT(cc), tJIT(cc,lck)
tJIT(cc) is defined as the difference in clock period between two consecutive clock cycles:
tJIT(cc) = Max of |tCKi+1
– tCKi|
tJIT(cc) defines the cycle to cycle jitter when the DLL is already locked.
tJIT(cc,lck) uses the same definition for cycle to cycle jitter, during the DLL locking period only.
tJIT(cc) and tJIT(cc,lck) are not guaranteed through final production testing.
- tERR(2per), tERR (3per), tERR (4per), tERR (5per), tERR (6-10per) and tERR (11-50per)
tERR is defined as the cumulative error across multiple consecutive cycles from tCK(avg).

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