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NT5TU64M8EE Datasheet(PDF) 87 Page - Nanya Technology Corporation.

Part # NT5TU64M8EE
Description  DDR2 512Mb SDRAM
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Manufacturer  NANYA [Nanya Technology Corporation.]
Direct Link  http://www.nanya.com
Logo NANYA - Nanya Technology Corporation.

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Specific Note 10 The maximum limit for this parameter is not a device limit. The device will operate with a greater value for this
parameter, but system performance (bus turnaround) will degrade accordingly.
Specific Note 11 MIN ( tCL, tCH) refers to the smaller of the actual clock LOW time and the actual clock HIGH
time as provided to the device (i.e. this value can be greater than the minimum specification limits for tCL and tCH).For example, tCL and
tCH are = 50% of the period, less the half period jitter ( tJIT(HP)) of the clock source, and less the half period jitter due to crosstalk
( tJIT(crosstalk)) into the clock traces.
Specific Note 12 tQH = tHP
– tQHS, where:
tHP = minimum half clock period for any given cycle and is defined by clock HIGH or clock LOW (tCH, tCL).
tQHS accounts for:
1) The pulse duration distortion of on-chip clock circuits; and
2) The worst case push-out of DQS on one transition followed by the worst case pull-in of DQ on the next
transition, both of which are, separately, due to data pin skew and output pattern effects, and p-channel to
n-channel variation of the output drivers.
Specific Note 13 tDQSQ: Consists of data pin skew and output pattern effects, and p-channel to n-channel variation of the output
drivers as well as output slew rate mismatch between DQS /
DQS and associated DQ in any given cycle.
Specific Note 14 tDAL = WR + RU{ tRP[ns] / tCK[ns] }, where RU stands for round up.
WR refers to the tWR parameter stored in the MRS. For tRP, if the result of the division is not already an integer,round up to the next
highest integer. tCK refers to the application clock period.
Example: For DDR533 at tCK = 3.75ns with WR programmed to 4 clocks.
tDAL = 4 + (15 ns / 3.75 ns) clocks = 4 + (4) clocks = 8 clocks.
Specific Note 15 The clock frequency is allowed to change during self–refresh mode or precharge power-down mode. In case of clock
frequency change during precharge power-down, a specific procedure is required.
Specific Note 16 ODT turn on time min is when the device leaves high impedance and ODT resistance begins to turn on. ODT turn on
time max is when the ODT resistance is fully on. Both are measured from tAOND, which is interpreted differently per speed bin. For
DDR2-667/800, tAOND is 2 clock cycles after the clock edge that registered a first ODT HIGH counting the actual input clock edges.
Specific Note 17 ODT turn off time min is when the device starts to turn off ODT resistance. ODT turn off time
max is when the bus is in high impedance. Both are measured from tAOFD, which is interpreted differently per
speed bin. For DDR2-667/800, if tCK(avg) = 3 ns is assumed, tAOFD is 1.5 ns (= 0.5 x 3 ns) after the second trailing clock edge counting
from the clock edge that registered a first ODT LOW and by counting the actual input clock edges.
Specific Note 18 tHZ and tLZ transitions occur in the same access time as valid data transitions. These parameters are referenced to a
specific voltage level which specifies when the device output is no longer driving (tHZ), or begins driving (tLZ) .The following figure shows a
method to calculate the point when device is no longer driving (tHZ), or begins driving (tLZ) by measuring the signal at two different
voltages. The actual voltage measurement points are not critical as long as the calculation is
consistent. tLZ(DQ) refers to tLZ of the DQ’s
and tLZ(DQS) refers to tLZ of the (U/L/R)DQS and
ULRDQS each treated as single-ended signal.

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