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FP6134 Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - Fitipower Integrated Technology Inc. |
FP6134 Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - Fitipower Integrated Technology Inc. |
7 / 8 page 7 FP6134-2.2-APR-2014 FP6134 85T fitipower integrated technology lnc. Application Information The FP6134 is a low dropout linear regulator that could provide 600mA output current at dropout voltage about 600mV. Current limit and on chip thermal shutdown features provide protection against overload or any condition when the ambient temperature exceeds the maximum junction temperature. Output and Input Capacitor The FP6134 regulator is designed to be stable with a wide range of output capacitors. The ESR of the output capacitor affects stability. Larger value of the output capacitor decreases the peak deviations and improves transient response for larger current changes. The capacitor types (aluminum, ceramic, and tantalum) have different characterizations such as temperature and voltage coefficients. All ceramic capacitors are manufactured with a variety of dielectrics, each with different behavior across temperature and applications. Common dielectrics used are X5R, X7R and Y5V. It is recommended to use 1µF to 10µF X5R or X7R dielectric ceramic capacitors with 30m Ω to 50mΩ ESR range between device outputs and ground for stability. The FP6134 is designed to be stable with low ESR ceramic capacitors and higher values of capacitors, and ESR could improve output stability. The ESR of output capacitor is very important because it generates a zero to provide phase lead for loop stability. There are no requirements for the ESR on the input capacitor, but its voltage and temperature coefficient have to be considered for device application environment. Protection Features In order to prevent overloading or thermal condition from damaging the device, FP6134 has internal thermal and current limit functions designed to protect the device. It will rapidly shut off PMOS pass element during over temperature condition. Thermal Consideration The power handling capability of the device will be limited by allowable operation junction temperature (125 C). The power dissipated by the device will be estimated by PD = IOUT (VIN-VOUT). The power dissipation should be lower than the maximum power dissipation listed in “Absolute Maximum Ratings” section. Shutdown Operation The FP6134 is shutdown by pulling the input low and turned on by driving the high. If this function is not used, the input should be tied to VIN to keep the regulator on all the time (the must not be left floating). |
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