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BK3231S Datasheet(PDF) 18 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
BK3231S Datasheet(HTML) 18 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
18 / 24 page BK3231S Datasheet V1.5 © 2015 Beken Corporation Proprietary and Confidential Page 18 of 24 The local interrupt flag of ADC need not be cleared by software; it will be set after transform and be cleared after the result has been read out. But the ADC INTstored ICU should be cleared after the ADC INT service finished. The range of input voltage is from 0v to 1.5V. If the input voltage more than 1.5V, a resistor can be added to decrease the input voltage like the next diagram. PA D ADC Test_point BK3231 100k On/off R1 R2 Note: There are eight GPIO can be ADC input. When used as this: Voltage=data [9:0]/448; the saturate voltage is 1.5 volt. 3.5 UART The UART interface has 128 bytes FIFO for both TX and RX. It will generate interrupt request when there is risk or event of FIFO underflow or overflow. For the RX, it will generate interrupt if found parity bit check error or stop bit check error. When the UART RX line goes from idle state (‘HIGH’) to active state (‘LOW’) for a set UART clock cycle, it will generate wake up interrupt to activate MCU clock. 3.6 I2C-SMBus The I2C I/O interface is a two-wire, bi-directional serial bus. The I2C is compliant with the System Management Bus Specification, version 1.1, and compatible with the I C serial bus. Reads and writes to the interface by the system controller are byte oriented with the I2C interface autonomously controlling the serial transfer of the data. Data can be transferred at up to 1/10th of the system clock as a master or slave (this can be faster than allowed by the I2C specification, depending on the system clock used). A method of extending the clock-low duration is available to accommodate devices with different speed capabilities on the same bus. |
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