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BMP280 Datasheet(PDF) 13 Page - Bosch Sensortec GmbH |
BMP280 Datasheet(HTML) 13 Page - Bosch Sensortec GmbH |
13 / 49 page Datasheet BMP280 Digital Pressure Sensor Page 13 BST-BMP280-DS001-19 | Revision 1.19 | January 2018 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Not intended for publication. 3.3.2 Temperature measurement Temperature measurement can be enabled or skipped. Skipping the measurement could be useful to measure pressure extremely rapidly. When enabled, several oversampling options exist. Each oversampling step reduces noise and increases the output resolution by one bit, which is stored in the XLSB data register 0xFC. Enabling/disabling the temperature measurement and oversampling setting are selected through the osrs_t[2:0] bits in control register 0xF4. Table 5: osrs_t settings osrs_t[2:0] Temperature oversampling Typical temperature resolution 000 Skipped (output set to 0x80000) – 001 ×1 16 bit / 0.0050 °C 010 ×2 17 bit / 0.0025 °C 011 ×4 18 bit / 0.0012 °C 100 ×8 19 bit / 0.0006 °C 101, 110, 111 ×16 20 bit / 0.0003 °C It is recommended to base the value of osrs_t on the selected value of osrs_p as per Table 4. Temperature oversampling above ×2 is possible, but will not significantly improve the accuracy of the pressure output any further. The reason for this is that the noise of the compensated pressure value depends more on the raw pressure than on the raw temperature noise. Following the recommended setting will result in an optimal noise-to-power ratio. 3.3.3 IIR filter The environmental pressure is subject to many short-term changes, caused e.g. by slamming of a door or window, or wind blowing into the sensor. To suppress these disturbances in the output data without causing additional interface traffic and processor work load, the BMP280 features an internal IIR filter. It effectively reduces the bandwidth of the output signals6. The output of a next measurement step is filter using the following formula: t coefficien filter ADC data t coefficien filter old filtered data filtered data _ _ ) 1 _ ( _ _ _ , where data_filtered_old is the data coming from the previous acquisition, and data_ADC is the data coming from the ADC before IIR filtering. The IIR filter can be configured using the filter[2:0] bits in control register 0xF5 with the following options: 6 Since most pressure sensors do not sample continuously, filtering can suffer from signals with a frequency higher than the sampling rate of the sensor. E.g. environmental fluctuations caused by windows being opened and closed might have a frequency <5 Hz. Consequently, a sampling rate of ODR = 10 Hz is sufficient to obey the Nyquist theorem. |
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