Data Sheet
LEUNA-Harze GmbH
PF 4043, Bau 6619
D - 06233 Leuna, Germany
phone : ++49-(0)3461-43-3094, fax: ++49-(0)3461-43-6543
email :
April 03
Epilox® T 19-36/2000
Epilox T 19-36/2000 is a modified liquid epoxy resin with reduced
crystallization tendency. Cross-linking with appropriate curing agents is
preferably performed at room temperature.
Viscosity at 25 °C
(DIN 53 015)
Epoxy Equivalent Weight
(DIN 16 945)
Density at 20 °C
(DIN 53 217 T.4)
1900 - 2200
190 - 205
ca 1,14
Epilox T 19-36/2000 can be processed as casting, impregnating and
laminating resin, as adhesive or as binder for kneadable materials.
Main end-use applications are found in formulations for mortars, screeds
and polymer concretes for primers and coatings in civil and mechanical
engineering. Other formulations with Epilox T 19-36/2000 are used for
electrical engineering, toolmaking and maintenance.
Epilox T 19-36/2000 is supplied in road tankers, containers or drums.
The product should be stored in closed containers at temperatures of about
20 °C. Under these storage conditions, Epilox T 19-36/2000 shows no
change in quality even at prolonged storage time exceeding 12 months.
Safety Requirements
Epilox T 19-36/2000 is labeled "Xi" and "N" in accordance with the
provisions of the Hazardous Substances Act.
The information given in these data is based on the testing methods established by Leuna-Harze GmbH and on the knowledge of
the characteristics of Epilox-resins and Epilox-hardeners and is given in good faith. No liability is accepted by Leuna-Harze
GmbH for any system or application in which Epilox-resins and Epilox-hardeners are utilized.