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ZXSC410E6TA Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - Diodes Incorporated |
ZXSC410E6TA Datasheet(HTML) 14 Page - Diodes Incorporated |
14 / 17 page ZXSC410/ZXSC420/ZXSC440 Document number: DS33618 Rev. 6 - 2 14 of 17 www.diodes.com August 2015 © Diodes Incorporated ZXSC410/ZXSC420/ZXSC440 Application Examples (cont.) High-Current LED Photoflash The input voltage is 3V with a maximum pulsed output current of 1A for 2ms. Operation In charging mode, with SW1 closed and SW2 open, the ZXSC410/420/440 is configured as a typical boost converter, charging capacitor C2 up the regulated output voltage set by the ratio of R1 and R2. This is typically 16V. The peak current of the converter (current drawn from the battery) is controlled by R3 plus R4, and is typically 280mA for this application. When C2 is charged to 16V the SW1 is opened and SW2 is closed, converting the ZXSC400 to a step-down converter to provide a 1A constant current for 2ms to the photoflash LED. During step-down operation, current flows from C2 through the photoflash LED, L1, U2 and is returned to C2 through R3. This means that the peak current is set at a higher value than in charging mode, typically 1A. When the current reaches its peak value, U2 is switched off and current flows from L1 through the Schottky diode in U2, to the photoflash LED. This cyclic process is repeated until C2 is discharged. ZXSC410 Q1 ZXTN 25012 EFH C1 1µF C3 1µF C2 150µF R3 22m Ω R4 100m Ω R1 10k Ω L1 12µH U1 SW1 SW2 VBATT D1 BAT54 VCC STDN GND VDRIVE ISENSE VFB Charging mode: SW1 closed, SW2 open Discharging mode: SW1 open, SW2 closed |
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