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IDT723623 Datasheet(PDF) 11 Page - Jinan Gude Electronic Device |
IDT723623 Datasheet(HTML) 11 Page - Jinan Gude Electronic Device |
11 / 28 page 11 COMMERCIALTEMPERATURERANGE IDT723623/723633/723643 BUS-MATCHING SyncFIFO™ 256 x 36, 512 x 36, 1,024 x 36 TABLE 1 .LAG PROGRAMMING SPM FS1/ SEN FSO/SD RS1 X AND Y REGlSTERS(1) HH H ↑ 64 HH L ↑ 16 HL H ↑ 8 HL L ↑ Parallel programming via Port A LH L ↑ Serial Programming via SD LH H ↑ reserved LL H ↑ reserved LL L ↑ reserved NOTE: 1. X register holds the offset for AE; Y register holds the offset for AF. — PARALLEL LOAD FROM PORT A To program the X and Y registers from Port A, perform a Reset on with SPMHIGHandFS0andFS1LOWduringtheLOW-to-HIGHtransitionofRS1. After this reset is complete, the first two writes to the FIFO do not store data in RAM. The first two write cycles load the offset registers in the order Y, X. On thethirdwritecycletheFIFOisreadytobeloadedwithadataword. SeeFigure 5, Parallel Programming of the Almost-Full Flag and Almost-Empty Flag Offset Values after Reset (IDT Standard and FWFT modes), for a detailed timingdiagram.ThePortAdatainputsusedbytheoffsetregistersare(A7-A0), (A8-A0), or (A9-A0) for the IDT723623, IDT723633 or IDT723643, respec- tively. Thehighestnumberedinputisusedasthemostsignificantbitofthebinary number in each case. Valid programming values for the registers range from 1 to 252 for the IDT723623; 1 to 508 for the IDT723633; and 1 to 1,020 for the IDT723643. After all the offset registers are programmed from Port A the FIFO begins normal operation. — SERIAL LOAD To program the X and Y registers serially, initiate a Reset with SPMLOW, FS0/SD LOW and FS1/ SENHIGHduringtheLOW-to-HIGHtransitionofRS1. After this reset is complete, the X and Y register values are loaded bit-wise through the FS0/SD input on each LOW-to-HIGH transition of CLKA that the FS1/ SEN input is LOW. There are 16-, 18- or 20-bit writes are needed to complete the programming for the IDT723623, IDT723633, or IDT723643, respectively. ThetworegistersarewrittenintheorderY,X.Eachregistervalue CSA W/ RA ENA MBA CLKA Data A (A0-A35) I/O PORT FUNCTION H X X X X High-Impedance None L H L X X Input None LH H L ↑ Input FIFO write LH H H ↑ Input Mail1 write L L L L X Output None LL H L ↑ Output None L L L H X Output None LL H H ↑ Output Mail2 read (set MBF2 HIGH) TABLE 2 PORT A ENABLE .UNCTION TABLE TABLE 3 PORT B ENABLE .UNCTION TABLE CSB W/RB ENB MBB CLKB Data B (B0-B35) I/O PORT FUNCTION H X X X X High-Impedance None L L L X X Input None LL H L ↑ Input None LL H H ↑ Input Mail2 write L H L L X Output None LH H L ↑ Output FIFO read L H L H X Output None LH H H ↑ Output Mail1 read (set MBF1 HIGH) |
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