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UTCTDA2030 Datasheet(PDF) 13 Page - Unisonic Technologies |
UTCTDA2030 Datasheet(HTML) 13 Page - Unisonic Technologies |
13 / 13 page UTCTDA2030 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT UTC UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. 13 QW-R107-004,B SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION The UTC TDA2030 has an original circuit which limits the current of the output transistors. This function can be considered as being peak power limiting rather than simple current limiting. It reduces the possibility that the device gets damaged during an accidental short circuit from AC output to Ground. THERMAL SHUT-DOWN The presence of a thermal limiting circuit offers the following advantages: 1).An overload on the output (even if it is permanent),or an above limit ambient temperature can be easily supported since the Tj can not be higher than 150 °C 2).The heatsink can have a smaller factor of safety compared with that of a congenital circuit, There is no possibility of device damage due to high junction temperature increase up to 150, the thermal shut-down simply reduces the power dissipation and the current consumption. APPLICATION SUGGESTION The recommended values of the components are those shown on application circuit of Fig.14. Different values can be used. The following table can help the designer. COMPONENT RECOMMENDED VALUE PURPOSE LARGE THAN RECOMMENDED VALUE LARGE THAN RECOMMENDED VALUE R1 22K Ω Closed loop gaon setting. Increase of Gain Decrease of Gain R2 680 Ω Closed loop gaon setting. Decrease of Gain Increase of Gain R3 22K Ω Non inverting input biasing Increase of input impedance Decrease of input impedance R4 1 Ω Frequency stacility Danger of oscillation at high frequencies with inductive loads. R5 ≈3R2 Upper frequency cutoff Poor high frequencies attenuation Dange of oscillation C1 1 µF Input DC decoupling Increase of low frequencies cutoff C2 22 µF Inverting DC decoupling Increase of low frequencies cutoff C3,C4 0.1 µF Supply voltage bypass Dange of oscillation C5,C6 100 µF Supply voltage bypass Dange of oscillation C7 0.22 µF Frequency stability Larger bandwidth C8 ≈1/(2π*B*R1) Upper frequency cutoff smaller bandwidth Larger bandwidth D1,D2 1N4001 To protect the device against output voltage spikes. |
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