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UTCTDA2030 Datasheet(PDF) 11 Page - Unisonic Technologies |
UTCTDA2030 Datasheet(HTML) 11 Page - Unisonic Technologies |
11 / 13 page UTCTDA2030 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT UTC UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. 11 QW-R107-004,B m2 m1 SR(V/ µs) Input Signal Filtered Output Siganal Fig.23 20kHz sawtooth waveform Fig.24 Inverting sawtooth waveform The result is an AC signal at the output whole peak-to-peak value is the TIM voltage, which can be measured easily with an oscilloscope. If the peak-topeak value of the signal and the peak-to-peak of the inverting sawtooth are measured, the TIM can be found very simply from: TIM VOUT Vsawtooth * 100 = 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 UTC2030A BD908/907 Gv=26dB Vs=36V RL=4 Ω RC Filter fc=30kHz Fig. 25 TIM distortion Vs. Output Power Po(W) TIM(%) 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 Vo(Vp-p) 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 RC Filter fc=30kHz Fig. 26 TIM design diagram(fc=30kHz) SR(V/ s) 米 In Fig.25 The experimental results are shown for the 30W amplifier using the UTC2030A as a driver and a low-cost complementary pair. A simple RC filter on the input of the amplifier to limit the maximum signal slope(SS) is an effective way to reduce TIM. The Diagram of Fig.26 originated by SGS can be used to find the Slew-Rate(SR) required for a given output power or voltage and a TIM design target. For example if an anti-TIM filter with a cutoff at 30kHz is used and the max. Peak to peak output voltage is 20V then, referring to the diagram, a Slew-Rate of 6V/ µs is necessary for 0.1% TIM. As shown Slew-Rates of above 10V/ µs do not contribute to a further reduction in TIM. Slew-Rates of 100V/ µs are not only useless but also a disadvantage in hi-fi audio amplifiers because they tend to turn the amplifier into a radio receiver. POWER SUPPLY Using monolithic audio amplifier with non regulated supply correctly. In any working case it must provide a supply voltage less than the maximum value fixed by the IC breakdown voltage. |
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