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V680-D1KP52MBTX1 Datasheet(PDF) 48 Page - Omron Electronics LLC |
V680-D1KP52MBTX1 Datasheet(HTML) 48 Page - Omron Electronics LLC |
48 / 59 page V680 Series 48 Safety Precautions This product is not designed or rated for ensuring safety of persons. Do not use it for such purposes. * This catalog is intended only to help select the appropriate product. Be sure to read the User's Manual for usage precautions prior to using the product. To ensure safety, be sure to follow the following precautions: 1. Do not operate this product in any flammable, explosive, or corrosive gas environment. 2. Do not disassemble, repair, or remodel this product. 3. Tighten the base lock screws and terminal block screws completely. 4. Be sure to use wiring crimp terminals of the specified size. 5. If any cable has a locking mechanism, be sure to check that it has been locked before using it. 6. The DC power supply must be within the specified rating (24 VDC +10%/ −15%). 7. Do not reverse the power supply connection. 8. Do not insert water, wire, etc., into any of the gaps in the case. Doing so may cause fire or electric shock. 9. Turn OFF the Controller or ID Sensor Unit power before attaching or removing the Antenna. 10. If multiple Antennas are mounted near each other, communications performance may decrease due to mutual interference. Refer to the manual for the Antennas and RF Tags and check to make sure there is no mutual interference before installation. 11. To remove the ID Controller, catch a tool on the mounting hook and gently remove the Unit. 12. Wire correctly and do not short-circuit the load. The ID Controller may rupture or burn. 13. Do not use in environments that are subject to oil. 14. Never use an AC power supply. 15. In the event that the product exhibits any abnormal condition, immediately stop using the system, turn OFF the power, and contact your OMRON sales representative. 16. Dispose of this product as industrial waste. 17. Be sure to follow any other warnings, cautions, and notices given in this document. Please observe the following precautions to prevent failure to operate, malfunctions, or undesirable effects on product performance. Installation Site Install the product at a location where: • It is not exposed to corrosive gases, dust, metal chips, or salt. • The ambient operating temperature is within the range stipulated in the specifications. • There are no sudden variations in temperature (no condensation). • The ambient operating humidity is within the range stipulated in the specifications. • No vibration or shock exceeding the values stipulated in the specifications is transmitted directly to the body of the product. • It is not subject to splashing water, oil, or chemical substances. Installation • The product uses the 13.56-MHz frequency band to communicate with RF Tags. Some devices, such as some motors, inverters, and switching power supplies, generate electromagnetic waves (i.e., noise) that can affect communications with RF Tags. If any of these devices are nearby, communications with RF Tags may be affected or RF Tags may be destroyed. If the product is to be used near such devices, check the effects on communications before using the product. • To minimize the general influence of noise, observe the following precautions: 1. Ground any metallic material located around this device to 100 Ω or less. 2. Keep the product away from high voltage and heavy current. • Do not pull on the cable. • Do not use products that are not waterproof in misty environments. • Do not subject the products to chemicals that adversely affect product materials. • When installing the product, tighten screws to the following torque: Controller: 1.2 N ·m max ID Sensor Unit: 0.4 N ·m V680-HS51 Antenna: 6 N ·m V680-HS52 Antenna: 40 N ·m V680-HS63 Antenna: 1.2 N ·m V680-HS65 Antenna: 1.2 N ·m V680-H01-V2 Antenna: 1.2 N ·m (Attach the enclosed Mounting Brackets) V680-D1KP66T/-D1KP66MT: 0.5 N ·m V680-D1KP66T-SP: 1.2 N ·m V680-D1KP54T: 0.3 to 0.5 N ·m V680S-D2KF67/-D2KF67M: 0.6N ·m V680S-D2KF68/-D2KF68M: 1.2N ·m V680S-D8KF67/-D8KF67M: 0.6N ·m V680S-D8KF68/-D8KF68M: 1.2N ·m • Do not pull the Antenna connector over the power of 30 N. The Antenna connector may be broken. • Transmission will not be possible if the front and back panels are mistakenly reversed and the Unit is mounted to a metallic surface. V680S-D2KF67M V680S-D2KF68M • The transmission distance will be reduced when the Unit is not mounted to a metallic surface. V680S-D2KF67M V680S-D2KF68M V680S-D8KF67M V680S-D8KF68M • If multiple Antennas are mounted near each other, communications performance may decrease due to mutual interference. Refer to the User's Manual (Cat. No. Z248) and check to make sure there is no mutual interference. • Depending on the operating environment, the case surface may become fogged, but basic performance will not be affected. • When Antenna (only V680-H01-V2) is used in the United States and Canada, the ferrite core (ZCAT3035-1330) of the antenna's attachment is installed on controller's (V680-CA5D01-V @) DC power cable. • The communications range is adversely affected if there is any metal material around the RF Tag. • The maximum communications range can be obtained when the Antenna faces the RF tag directly. When the RF tag is installed at a tilt, the communications range is reduced. Consider the effect of the RF tag at tilt when installing the RF Tag. • Provide the mounting distances between plural RF tags to prevent them from malfunctions due to mutual interference. • If the central axis of an antenna and RF tag shifts, a communications range will fall. WARNING Precautions for Safe Use Precautions for Correct Use |
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