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AD9524BCPZ Datasheet(PDF) 25 Page - Analog Devices |
AD9524BCPZ Datasheet(HTML) 25 Page - Analog Devices |
25 / 56 page Data Sheet AD9524 Rev. F | Page 25 of 56 Both sources of the primary synchronization signal are logic OR’d; therefore, any one of them can synchronize the clock distribution output at any time. When using the sync dividers bit, the user first sets and then clears the bit. The synchronization event is the clearing operation (that is, the Logic 1 to Logic 0 transition of the bit). The dividers are all automatically synchronized to each other when PLL2 is ready. The dividers support programmable phase offsets from 0 to 63 steps, in half periods of the input clock (for example, the VCO divider output clock). The phase offsets are incorporated in the dividers through a preset for the first output clock period of each divider. Phase offsets are supported only by programming the initial phase and divide value and then issuing a sync to the distribution (automatically at startup or manually, if desired). When using the SYNC pin (Pin 17), there are 11 VCO divider output pipe line delays plus one period of the clock from the rising edge of SYNC to the clock output. There is at least one extra VCO divider period of uncertainty because the SYNC signal and the VCO divider output are asynchronous. In normal operation, the phase offsets are already programmed through the EEPROM or the SPI/I2C port before the AD9524 starts to provide outputs. Although the user cannot adjust the phase offsets while the dividers are operating, it is possible to adjust the phase of all the outputs together without powering down PLL1 and PLL2. This is accomplished by programming the new phase offset, using Bits[7:2] in Register 0x198 (see Table 52) and then issuing a divide sync signal by using the SYNC pin or the sync dividers bit (Register 0x232, Bit 0). All outputs that are not programmed to ignore the sync are disabled temporarily while the sync is active. Note that, if an output is used for the zero delay path, it also disappears momentarily. However, this is desirable because it ensures that all the synchronized outputs have a deterministic phase relation- ship with respect to the zero delay output and, therefore, also with respect to the input. ZERO DELAY OPERATION Zero delay operation aligns the phase of the output clocks with the phase of the external PLL reference input. The OUT0 output is designed to be used as the output for zero delay. There are two zero delay modes on the AD9524: internal and external (see Figure 29). Note that the external delay mode provides better matching than the internal delay mode because the output drivers are included in the zero delay path. Setting the anitbacklash pulse width control of PLL1 to maximum gives the best zero delay matching. Internal Zero Delay Mode The internal zero delay function of the AD9524 is achieved by feeding the output of Channel Divider 0 back to the PLL1 N divider. Bit 5 in Register 0x01B is used to select internal zero delay mode (see Table 42). In the internal zero delay mode, the output of Channel Divider 0 is routed back to the PLL1 (N divider) through a mux. PLL1 synchronizes the phase/edge of the output of Channel Divider 0 with the phase/edge of the reference input. Because the channel dividers are synchronized to each other, the outputs of the channel divider are synchronous with the reference input. INTERNAL FB ZD_IN REFA REFA AD9524 FEEDBACK DELAY REF DELAY ENB PFD OUT0 OUT0 ZD_IN Figure 29. Zero Delay Function External Zero Delay Mode The external zero delay function of the AD9524 is achieved by feeding OUT0 back to the ZD_IN input and, ultimately, back to the PLL1 N divider. In Figure 29, the change in signal routing for external zero delay is external to the AD9524. Bit 5 in Register 0x01B is used to select the external zero delay mode. In external zero delay mode, OUT0 must be routed back to PLL1 (the N divider) through the ZD_IN and ZD_IN pins. PLL1 synchronizes the phase/edge of the feedback output clock with the phase/edge of the reference input. Because the channel dividers are synchronized to each other, the clock outputs are synchronous with the reference input. Both the reference path delay and the feedback delay from ZD_IN are designed to have the same propagation delay from the output drivers and PLL components to minimize the phase offset between the clock output and the reference input to achieve zero delay. LOCK DETECT PLL1 and PLL2 lock detectors issue an unlock condition when the frequency error is greater than the threshold of the lock detector. When the PLL is unlocked, there is a random phase between the reference clock and feedback clock. Due to the random phase relationship that exists the unlock condition could take between 215 × TPFD cycles to 1 × TPFD cycles. For a lock condition it will always take 216 × TPFD to lock, but it could potentially take 231 × TPFD cycles depending on how big the phase jump is and when it occurs in relation to the lock detect restart. |
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