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AD9524BCPZ Datasheet(PDF) 23 Page - Analog Devices |
AD9524BCPZ Datasheet(HTML) 23 Page - Analog Devices |
23 / 56 page Data Sheet AD9524 Rev. F | Page 23 of 56 CLOCK DISTRIBUTION The clock distribution block provides an integrated solution for generating multiple clock outputs based on frequency dividing the PLL2 VCO divider output. The distribution output consists of six channels (OUT0 to OUT5). Each of the output channels has a dedicated divider and output driver, as shown in Figure 25. The AD9524 also has the capability to route the VCXO output to two of the outputs (OUT0 and OUT1). Clock Dividers The output clock distribution dividers are referred to as D0 to D5, corresponding to output channels OUT0 through OUT5, respectively. Each divider is programmable with 10 bits of division depth that is equal to 1 to 1024. Dividers have duty cycle correction to always give 50% duty cycle, even for odd divides. Output Power-Down Each of the output channels offers independent control of the power-down functionality via the Channel 0 to Channel 5 control registers (see Table 52). Each output channel has a dedicated power-down bit for powering down the output driver. However, if all six outputs are powered down, the entire distribution output enters a deep sleep mode. Although each channel has a channel power-down control signal, it may sometimes be desirable to power down an output driver while maintaining the divider’s synchronization with the other channel dividers. This is accom- plished by placing the output in tristate mode (this works in CMOS mode, as well). Multimode Output Drivers The user has independent control of the operating mode of each of the fourteen output channels via the Channel 0 to Channel 5 control registers (see Table 52). The operating mode control includes the following: • Logic family and pin functionality • Output drive strength • Output polarity The four least significant bits (LSBs) of each of the six Channel 0 to Channel 5 control registers comprise the driver mode bits. The mode value selects the desired logic family and pin functionality of an output channel, as listed in Table 52. This driver design allows a common 100 Ω external resistor for all the different driver modes of operation that are illustrated in Figure 26. If the output channel is ac-coupled to the circuit to be clocked, changing the mode varies the voltage swing to determine sensi- tivity to the drive level. For example, in LVDS mode, a current of 3.5 mA causes a 350 mV peak voltage. Likewise, in LVPECL compatible mode, a current of 8 mA causes an 800 mV peak voltage at the 100 Ω load resistor. Using any termination other than those specified in the Input/Output Termination Recommendations section may results in damage or decrease end of life performance. In addition to the four mode bits, each of the six Channel 0 to Channel 5 control registers includes the following control bits: • Invert divider output. Enables the user to choose between normal polarity and inverted polarity. Normal polarity is the default state. Inverted polarity reverses the representation of Logic 0 and Logic 1, regardless of the logic family. • Ignore sync. Makes the divider ignore the SYNC signal from any source. • Power-down channel. Powers down the entire channel. • Lower power mode. • Driver mode. • Channel divider. • Divider phase. 3.5mA/8mA LVDS/LVPECL ENABLED HSTL ENABLED HSTL ENABLED 50Ω 50Ω P N N P 100Ω LOAD CM VDD3_OUT[x:y] 1.25V LVDS VDD – 1.3V LVPECL CM COMMON-MODE CIRCUIT + – Figure 26. Multimode Driver |
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