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AD9524BCPZ Datasheet(PDF) 30 Page - Analog Devices |
AD9524BCPZ Datasheet(HTML) 30 Page - Analog Devices |
30 / 56 page ![]() AD9524 Data Sheet Rev. F | Page 30 of 56 SPI SERIAL PORT OPERATION Pin Descriptions SCLK (serial clock) is the serial shift clock. This pin is an input. SCLK is used to synchronize serial control port reads and writes. Write data bits are registered on the rising edge of this clock, and read data bits are registered on the falling edge. This pin is internally pulled down by a 40 kΩ resistor to ground. SDIO (serial data input/output) is a dual-purpose pin and acts either as an input only (unidirectional mode) or as an input/ output (bidirectional mode). The AD9524 defaults to the bidirectional I/O mode. SDO (serial data out) is used only in the unidirectional I/O mode as a separate output pin for reading back data. CS (chip select bar) is an active low control that gates the read and write cycles. When CS is high, the SDO and SDIO pins enter a high impedance state. This pin is internally pulled up by a 40 kΩ resistor to VDD3_REF. AD9524 SERIAL CONTROL PORT CS SCLK/SCL SDIO/SDA SDO Figure 36. Serial Control Port SPI Mode Operation In SPI mode, single or multiple byte transfers are supported, as well as MSB first or LSB first transfer formats. The AD9524 serial control port can be configured for a single bidirectional I/O pin (SDIO only) or for two unidirectional I/O pins (SDIO/ SDO). By default, the AD9524 is in bidirectional mode. Short instruction mode (8-bit instructions) is not supported. Only long (16-bit) instruction mode is supported. A write or a read operation to the AD9524 is initiated by pulling CS low. The CS stalled high mode is supported in data transfers where three or fewer bytes of data (plus instruction data) are transferred (see Table 25). In this mode, the CS pin can temporarily return high on any byte boundary, allowing time for the system controller to process the next byte. CS can go high only on byte boundaries; however, it can go high during either phase (instruction or data) of the transfer. During this period, the serial control port state machine enters a wait state until all data is sent. If the system controller decides to abort the transfer before all of the data is sent, the state machine must be reset either by completing the remaining transfers or by returning CS low for at least one complete SCLK cycle (but fewer than eight SCLK cycles). Raising the CS pin on a nonbyte boundary terminates the serial transfer and flushes the buffer. In streaming mode (see Table 25), any number of data bytes can be transferred in a continuous stream. The register address is automatically incremented or decremented (see the SPI MSB/LSB First Transfers section). CS must be raised at the end of the last byte to be transferred, thereby ending streaming mode. Communication Cycle—Instruction Plus Data There are two parts to a communication cycle with the AD9524. The first part writes a 16-bit instruction word into the AD9524, coincident with the first 16 SCLK rising edges. The instruction word provides the AD9524 serial control port with information regarding the data transfer, which is the second part of the communication cycle. The instruction word defines whether the upcoming data transfer is a read or a write, the number of bytes in the data transfer, and the starting register address for the first byte of the data transfer. Write If the instruction word is for a write operation, the second part is the transfer of data into the serial control port buffer of the AD9524. Data bits are registered on the rising edge of SCLK. The length of the transfer (one, two, or three bytes or streaming mode) is indicated by two bits (W1, W0) in the instruction byte. When the transfer is one, two, or three bytes, but not streaming, CS can be raised after each sequence of eight bits to stall the bus (except after the last byte, where it ends the cycle). When the bus is stalled, the serial transfer resumes when CS is lowered. Raising the CS pin on a nonbyte boundary resets the serial control port. During a write, streaming mode does not skip over reserved or blank registers, and the user can write 0x00 to the reserved register addresses. Because data is written into a serial control port buffer area, and not directly into the actual control registers of the AD9524, an additional operation is needed to transfer the serial control port buffer contents to the actual control registers of the AD9524, thereby causing them to become active. The update registers operation consists of setting the self clearing IO_Update bit, Bit 0 of Register 0x234 (see Table 58). Any number of data bytes can be changed before executing an update registers operation. The update registers simultaneously actuates all register changes that have been written to the buffer since any previous update. Read The AD9524 supports only the long instruction mode. If the instruction word is for a read operation, the next N × 8 SCLK cycles clock out the data from the address specified in the instruction word, where N is 1 to 3 as determined by Bits[W1:W0]. If N = 4, the read operation is in streaming mode, continuing until CS is raised. During an SPI read, serial data on SDIO (or SDO in the case of 4-wire mode) transitions on the SCLK falling edge, and is normally sampled on the SCLK rising edge. To read the last bit correctly, the SPI host must be able to tolerate a zero hold time. In cases where zero hold time is not possible, the user can either use streaming mode and delay the rising edge of CS, or sample the serial data on the SCLK falling edge. However, to sample the data correctly on the SCLK falling edge, the user must ensure that the setup time is greater than tDV (time data valid). Streaming mode does not skip over reserved or blank registers. |
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